That branch of medical science which deals with the study of and function of both cellular and humoral components of the immune system by which the body reacts to expel, destroy or neutralize foreign substances including pathogenic microorganisms.
5.clinical immunology
8.Reproductive immunology
Classification of Immunity:
A) Innate (non-specific) Immunity:
1) Genetic Constitutional.
2) Mechanical:Keratin layer of skin,Intact mucous membrane,Mucociliary movement,Reflexes, e.g. coughing reflex, sneezing reflex etc.
3) Humoral:Normal bacterial flora,Acid in gastric juice,Complement system,Interferons etc.
4) Cellular:
• Macrophage. • Eosinophil,Natural killer cells etc.
B) Acquired (specific) immunity:
1) Active: (Where antigens are exposed to the body)
a)Natural: After clinical & sub-clinical infections, e.g. Hepatitis A virus infection.
b) Artificial: Different types of vaccines, eg. bacterial vaccines, viral vaccines, toxoids, live attenuated vaccines etc.
2) Passive: (Where antigens are not exposed to the body) a)
a)Natural:-Transfer of maternal antibody to foetus through placenta. 196
-Transfer of antibody from mother to infants by breast milk. A
b)Artificial: Antisera & antitoxins, c.g. TIG (tetanus immunoglobulins), ATS (anti-tetanus serum), ADS (anti-diphtheria serum) eye.
What is immunotherapy and immunohaematology? You have mentiod both these as branch of immunity