Three crypto profolio tools everyone should try

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4 years ago

We always make confusion about different cryptocurrency we owned. Some time we use numerous account on different exchange platform by downloading different cold wallet according to our type of crypto assets we have . Also by doing this we  used our  crypto asset very haphazardly. Even sometime we are not sure if we have coin on our wallet and get confuse about which wallet have which coin. In order to came across such difficulty and confusion we need to make our own crypto profolio as per our needs.  Here are three  most recomended cryptocurrency profolio application

  • Blockfolio

Blockfolio helps in solving the problem of price tracking which we encounter while going though coinmarketcap website.Once download we can add our favourite coin of our choise by tapping on the plus sign at the buttom of the app. It also has an option to connect to any exchange account we have in order to import our transaction history. By doing so it will automatically refresh and tell us the value of our crypto every second. Hence helping us to track our crypto value any time. It also has a crypto news section. Another feature is it has a signal section where information about any new project of any crypto coin will be updated . So we dont have to go to any of theire twiteer acount to check for latest news update. Besides it has a market section where a coinmarketcap version, overview of coin, consensus method used, type of token and  different social media platform are available for each coin. Another interesting feature is its price alert where user gets notification on any change in price of coin. 

Hence this application is  mostly recomended for those who are serious about cryptocurrency


  • Delta app

Just like blockfolio Delta is a crypto profolio management tool. Users can connect their crypto exchange platform to make transaction. It can also send notification alert about the latest price of different coin. Delta has its own version of coinmarketcap and also has a crypto new section where users can view trading activity, see price alert, order book record etc. Just like signal section in blockfolio delta has it own  section called delta direct


  • Cointracking

Cointracking is one such profolio app which have a one stop shop. It is available both for mobile and PC. One amazing feature of cointracking is to track an incoming and outgoing transaction. Its dashboard may not be nice looking but it does give the most data as all information are shown  at one time. Hence help in better undersatanding and more informed. Another  thing is its feature of showing average purchase price. Cointracking makes this simple by automatically generating report for it. 

But this tool is not for everyone. If a user make less than 1000$ trade than there is no means of using cointracking. Instead they can used Blockfolio or Delta app. But for those doing tone of trade and like to submit trade report then cointracking is definitely for them.

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$ 0.10 from @Koush
Avatar for Abothe
Written by
4 years ago


This article is useful as it discusses the tools needed to manage crypto assets to alleviate the stress of managing our portfolio. Thanks for sharing it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It is a great article. It contains many informative things. I read it and i know many things about it. I hope you will write more article next time.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very much useful and informative from you.You are doing very amazing in this platform.and i am sure enough you will do very good in this platform

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow. Useful article. Thanks for the information. Write more. Loving it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tha ks alisha for your envouragement feedback. It means a lot to me. Hope hiu will like my other article . Keep reading

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The three tools are very useful according to the information I obtained online. Thank you for disclosing the tools.

$ 0.00
4 years ago