This is how i am collecting cryptocurrency everyday.!!

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Avatar for Abothe
Written by
4 years ago

Hey guys i was curious to hear people earning cryptocurrency everyday without much investment. So i took a deep step in finding out how people are earning cryptocurrency in various way. At first i thought my self "is it really posible to do so. Can cryptocurrency be earn daily doing nothing". I wan't sure about it. Thought i might end up  as victim of scamers and worth nothing at all.

But i found some area where i had started earning cryptocurrency just for free  doing something we usualy do regularly. So when i saw this sites i thought "wow !! here goes another scam and fake area". But still thought of trying it after looking different review.wordering how it will work.  So i give it a shot and here is my daily report .

So here is my area where i earn cryptocurrency every day



  • Tv-two

  • Brave browser

  • Pi network

First i find this amazing website publish0x through google where people are paying cryptos just for writing quality contents. So i applied for its author/writer job and got approved. Then  i start writing content making a blog called "my cryptocurrency knowledge 2020" and " food receipe". Whenever i got some new update which i thought might be woth sharing to people i keep on  writing and share it .Every day i wrote about 2-3 articles here. So i earn few cryptos according to the quality of my content. My article some time attract less traffic and some time more to medium traffic every minutes. It crazy and fun how my traffic grows.

Another site i earn is .this is just a same platform as publish0x. I did the same thing as i am doing in publish0x to also. Think for new idea which will be helpfull to public and share them writing it down. And get some cryptos for that i applied the same formula as in publis0x. Ita really time consuming to make people interact my article but its worth giving a try. So i give more focus on such area. Thank you to everyone reading my article till are all my encouragement

After i publish my article in both the platform i turm my self to this two self earning app called tv-two and pi network. Here i just watch some of my favorite video may be music or tv shows or gigs etc and each time i keep watching this video i earn some cryptos.its not much but means a lot to me. And also i keep this app called pi network open on my mobile background and keep accumulating pi automactically inviting friends. The more invite the more i earn pi. I just have to open this app  thats all. As i was writing this this app keeps on earning more is my pi invite code hemchand261. Join in my pi contributor circle and earn pi with me

Finally when an writing all this and going from another website to another searching for new thing and seeing my traffic update to my article. I am earning BAT token automatically through this brave browser. Yes i am doing this all to my brave browser thinking of geting some free BAT token and i am earning it for all free. So totally i am earning about 5-6 different cryrocurrency mostly of ethereum based and ERC TOKEN and  one of bitcoin cash(BCH)

I really enjoy doing this every day regularly . Thinking it as one of my job to do whenever i am free. And i love earning all this free digital money. Hoping to be one of the crypto owner one day starting from  this scratch.

Doing this till now everyday i earn about 3-4$ worth of crytocurrency every day. Lol i know  its not much but it like a huge achievement for me. This is my same article at publish0x

Thank you for reading

$ 0.00
Avatar for Abothe
Written by
4 years ago


I am start working on read cash only about a one week ago, i Don't know about the other platform of cryptocurrency, i want to start working in the other platform.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Pi Network? Nice.

Anyway, I also suggest in trying out the following:

  2. Trybe
  3. Minds
$ 0.00
4 years ago

I haven't heard trybe and minds but have heard of . Will explore more on this site as you suggest. Thank for your suggeation

$ 0.00
4 years ago is basically Youtube with its own paying currency LBC, which currently has $0.05 per 1 LBC, Minds is basically a reblogging-like twitter-esque platform and Trybe's just like Read.Cash and Publish0x.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thnaks for your explanation will defenitley try one of this.hope its rely good as you have mention.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I have all three, and it does work. Hope to see you there~

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ok will give it a shot. Thank for givime se thia new information . And oprtunity to earn more

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is quite informative and interesting. I have been searching for something of that nature to earn crypto for free.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for your interest on this article. Happy to hear that my information is quite useful to the readers out here.hoping to write more useful content.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

very nice and interesting article from @Abothe. can you post about tv-two?first time i am hear about tv-two.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hmmm, nice articule about types of earning cryptocurrency. Actually using two of this all sites. What about this Pi Network ?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Pi is about mining from your phone. You can se more about it here

$ 0.00
4 years ago

"I like resourceful and practical persons who are not pessimists and procrastinators" You heard and took action....$3 to 4 daily is no joke since you can withdraw it anytime, not means a lot!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanx@olad for your kind reply.yes i like that too. Hoping to earn more in near future. As i am new in this area. It been quite a struggle for me till now.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Your reply is highly appreciated. We just need to be active on on daily basis to earn BCH. The website is better compared to others.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

From what I've heard Brave browser is not providing much profits. I still won't use it as I've read that you have to pass KYC to withdraw the funds. So even if it was profitable I wouldn't do this.

3-4 USD daily is good, but break it down please. Which is your best source? Publish0x?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank for youe information. I havnet cash out yet. But why what type of kyc is needed is it for uphold or which type. I havnt heard any of such kyc before in brave My best source is and tv-two

$ 0.00
4 years ago

KYC is needed to verify Uphold wallet, which Brave decided to rely to on Brave Rewards. I lost 10 BAT because it broke and now I have 5.5 pending. :(

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Oh okay i think i have alredy dome myKYC at the time of my registratiom to uphold wallet. You only need a verified id and your photo for that. Hope you het veirifed again i not then

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

That was great earning sites that you had mentioned i also working on some site like in PI network which could give us a good benefit in future

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes pinetwork is one of the site i srrongly recomended. I think they have reaach 1 million pioneers now. It great to hear such news though

$ 0.00
4 years ago

first time I hear about publish0x, I will try it, I noticed that the rewords are in tokens , they have three types DAI included, I believe Bitcoin cash is better faster cheaper to send than tokens beside I will have to get Ethereum to use those tokens,I hope they add BCH . I will signup and see how it go. Thanks.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sure dude here is my referal yoi can sign up here . . Its realy amazing

$ 0.00
4 years ago