Pi network the new upcoming cryptocurrency.

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Avatar for Abothe
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4 years ago

In today's 20th century the term Cryptocurrency become so powerful and people started  gaining more interest in investing, trading ,buying or selling various cryptocurrencies for their profit according to the changes in market value.We know that Bitcoin rank No 1 in the cryptocurrency ranking followed by Ethereum. Among them i recently heard  a very new digital currency called Pi. Also know as pi coin or pi network.. Here is my invitation code hemchand261

According to my research from different sources. This currency was found to be launched on 14 march 2019  by a group of Stanford PhDs and graduates.

Unlike other cryptocurrency ot said that this cryptocurrency can be easily mined on mobile phones  both android and ios with low financial cost and less battery consumption.and hence it is considered to be quite different from other cryptos family.


Since it's still new in the market there is no trading gateway for this coin and hence is still worth approximately 0 dollars or no value till now. But no one can tell what will happen in the next few years on how much it will worth .Someday it may top the cryptocurrency chart overtaking bitcoin. And may become the next bitcoin.

As the same thing happened to Bitcoin in 2008. Where its value worth from  zero to thousand of dollar now a days.  

Pi can also be terms as the world's first Social Cryptocurrency. It is said to have  cross 1 million active users and there are  about  200,000 active users as per google research.


It is said that  Pi coin will be made available for selling and trading in phase 3 of the project. From the research website  i found that the pi network have three phase.

  • The first phase incluse the distribution and designing of the pi token.

  • The second phase inculde testing of the pi network 

  • The final and third phase include launching of the main network to the public where trading and selling is legalised.

So till now i think they are in the second phase as people are able to mine their network as a testing mode after designing their token . And by 2020-2021 they might introduce the way of trading and selling of the token publicly.


But when i check the pi value in the coingecko chart i find the pi crypto worth about 0.33 usd till today(10 may 2020) with a slight down fall. But we cannot tell how much will it worth in the next future of crypto world.

People have already start mining pi using there own smartphone. This app is availabe free in google store. Where user can easy dowload and install it. And start mining right away. It also have an affilate program. Users are able to mine more pire per day according to the number of affilate join under his/her link.

So you can give a try right now.


$ 0.00
Avatar for Abothe
Written by
4 years ago



$ 0.00
3 years ago

[Removed comment]

$ 0.00
4 years ago

So what's the deal with the groups with the Pi network? It seems that if you join groups you can earn more. Can you explain what that is?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes your earning rate or mining power depends on the number of people joined under your invite. More the number of referal more the mining power.but i think their mining rate had decreases after theire user have reach up to 1 million.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ok but can I not join an existing team to make my earnings rate better?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes you can joint the team use my invitation code hemchand261

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is a very good information! It tells a lot about pi network. I will give it a shot to see what's happening there. Thank you for sharing it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes here is my invitation code hemchand261 . You can give a try. More the number of referal higher yoir mining power is.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for the reply. I am encouraged to be more active on read.cash. I will use the link as soon as possible.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You could've actually given your invite referral code, but now here's mine: RowanSkye

$ 0.00
4 years ago

😂 Actually that's the only thing I think he missed. The info is copy pasted. More original content is what we need.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes i didnt share my referal code. Thats my bad .and you cant say its copy paste. Its as per my research. I already gave a shot but. I left it month ago. Coz my mining rate was too slow as i coung find enough referal. Now i regret it alot.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hey its not copy paste dude.its according to my research . Here is my oi invitation code hemchand261.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing that is what i regret i forget to put my invitation code . Thanks for sugestion o have made that change at my article now. I owe you buddy.☺

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Have seen this pi thing over and over (and over again) too much marketing too many promises but I think the market model it's unsustainable. Simple as that. The more people they get the low money they would want or could pay, therefore a scam with colors.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I dont think its scam till now you can see the number of active user till date. Tha only thing is that it has no market value till now. But why still people are interested about it. Just give a second though. Here ia my invitation code. Hemchand261

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hey thanks for sharing your idea man. But as per my research that is not the reality.yes its true that the mining power gets lower now. Its as per theire project plan. You can read their project plan and see it. They have make a chart of it

$ 0.00
4 years ago