my honest review

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Avatar for Abothe
Written by
4 years ago

Hi guys, welcome to my blog.please follow me for my new updates.

Here i am sharing something that i had experince till now about read.share.

I love bloging and just started writing some of my content. Since i am a newbi in bloging world i m still searching for new platform which can help me publish my original content and increase my knowledge and idea about bloging.

So as i keep on searching on google for new bloging platform where newbi like me could get some tip and  encouragment from different readers i found another new website called

What is

This is a new platform where content writer  can join and publish their own content just like publish0x. It aslo has a very nice content writing boards like publish0x.As a mark of encouragement and also to invite more content writer that help them build up their platform bigger they reward each writers in cryptocurrency called Bitcoin cash. Which is among the top 10 best ranking cryotocurrency.

How writers are rewarded?

They are rewarding each writer in a cryptocurrency called Bitcoin cash. Since they are new there are certain changes still going on time to time. From april 2020 they are adding new reward facilites. under certain criteria writers are getting point for each work they are doing. Either publish content or comenting or voting up. Each point varies according to the contribuiton done by the writer. Also they are rewarding to those writers who are active everyday.Each point is worth some BITCOIN CASH.they also have an affilate program. Where writer can get 3% of from each afillate partners.

How do they payout?

Unlike other this platform offer an inbuilt BCH wallet inside the browser you are using just after signing up at their website.i find thisfeature very interesting. You don't have to download or install nore worried about which wallet to chose. They have to stage to payout.

First they make a daily payout every 24 hour at your browser wallet whatever the amount of BCH you earn for the day.

Second we can cash out the available BCH amount to any of exchange BCH wallet inorder to convert it into cash.

I didn't didn't find the minimum amout of BCH to withdraw. But i think whatever the amout of BCH available at the browser wallet after converting from the point we got for the day are all eligible for payout.

My final thought.

Since i am still new in this area and have been using it for only two days, i have limited knowledge. Hence will keep on updating.And also i will put up an article comparing publish0x and so that other interested writers will find it easy to used.But i recomend writers to try this new sites and have a taste about it.

Thank you for reading.




$ 0.00
Avatar for Abothe
Written by
4 years ago


Yes. I love It is awesome. I withdrew bch and got the cash. Its easy with payeer account.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I start cryptocurrency from read cash, i also want to work publishox, i find interest to write article.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are welcome to, a platform where you learn and earn BCH from your daily actions.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you. Hoping to write more in the days to come and meeting new writers.sharing lots of experince. Cant belive i am in such community

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are welcome. Just keep doing your best. It is appreciated. Have a wonderful day!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I realy apreciate your interest.looking to see more from your side to. Happy friday.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Welcome to am also new!!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanku .you are welcome too. Lets share more of our content. Looking for great carrier ahead in writing content here

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

I think it is a great platform to gain some money even gor writing something. And I also think a lot more users are going join soon.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes its is. Encourgae more writers ro write quality article. At the same time let them earn few cryptos. It going to be popular very soon

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes with our help and support it will surely have a large user base.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah we are the backgroud of thia platform. Only good content writers can bring a lot of development here

$ 0.00
4 years ago