Once Upon A Time

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2 years ago

Hello family, this is my first article here. I've been so busy but now, I'm back for real. No more going back. I've been very busy with my studies and I was writing my examination. I'm done with my examination now, I give God the glory.

Now let's go back to my write up "Once Upon A Time". Look at you, look at yourself. In this post, I'm giving you all the privilege to reminisce on things that you do before and you don't do again.

Once upon a time, I used to be scared of speaking the truth. Here, I'm really serious. You know why, I'm trained by African parents and the real thing is that whenever you make a mistake, you will get beaten. Though African parents do not beat everytime but beating is the most likely punishment that you'll serve. I was always scared of speaking the truth. For example, if I mistakenly break a plate and then I see my mom approaching, what will come to my mind??? It is cane. I will be very scared that I will get beaten today again. But now that I'm grown up even if not fully, I can say that I'm not scared of speaking the truth because no one will beat me.

Once upon a time, I used to be scared of going to school. Who else gets scared of going to school here?. I do!!! You know why, some of my teachers were so harsh but not like they were harsh, they actually wanted us to learn but we do not understand that concept. We thought everything was about beating and beating us all again. So once upon a time, I used to be very scared of going to school. This is also because I do not want to see some teachers. Why? Because I didn't do some of my assignments and I know they will beat me. But why will a primary school student not submit her assignment? That's laziness and it shows that I didn't set my priorities right.

Once upon a time, I used to be very afraid to love. Why? This is because I feel like love comes with pain and I am not ready for that pain so I just walk away. But as time goes on, I realized that true love doesn't come with pain.

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When you are in love with the right person, you won't be sad but when you love the wrong person, he or she will continue to disappoint you. It may take time to find the right person but trust me, when the time comes, you'll know. And also make sure that the so called person supports you in achieving your aim.

Once upon a time, I used to be very scared of sleeping alone. Because I listen to Michael Jackson so much and my favorite song out of all his songs is thriller so I make sure I watch thriller video every night. If you've seen the video, you'd realize that it's very scary. So it makes me scared whenever I'm sleeping alone especially in the dark. It makes me feel like Michael Jackson is coming to carry me or arrest me. And it's actually an imagination, it can't happen because Michael Jackson is dead.

Lastly,once upon a time, I used to be very scared of writing. But look at me today, i can continue to write for hours without stopping. I'm in love with the person I am becoming. I can proudly say that I'm a big girl ๐Ÿค—.

What do you do before that you don't do again?? Let me know in the comment section ๐Ÿ˜

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Avatar for Abisolami
2 years ago


I was also terrified of thriller, the zombies and wolves were so accurate that time, I didn't sleep sometimes because of it. I was so scared of school because of the beatings, there are other ways to teach a child!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's great that you changed yourself in a positive way. Everyone can't do that. Welcome to read.cash

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kikikikiki ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ, of course you're big..lol Always after to say the truth before, well majority of children from African home are always afraid of that because they don't want to be Caned.. I won't deceive you, there are times I lied and there are some Times that I say the truth... But nowadays just like you, I'm not afraid again because no one will beat me, but they can only talk to me in a harsh way, but they can't touch me..

Hehehehe ๐Ÿ˜†, I remember this, once upon a time I used to bath in rain without no cloth on me, jumping up and down inside the rain, but now I can't even open my body in the public talk less of taking my bath in the rain..lol It's was indeed a fun memory..

Love!!! Love is sweet when two people with like minds meet each other, but till now I'm still afraid to love , I'm still trying to conquer the fear of loving.....

Lovely article, I think I love it.. Keep it up. Good to know you're done with your exam , we are just starting and will be ending Nov 22, I'm having exam tomorrow, and I will be off here by 10pm, I will have to read . Nice seeing you here and will be expecting more from you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wish you well in your examination dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Amen... May all you see a good result in your exam as well

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All what you wrote was me once upon a time. Haha ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ especially the going to school part, I never wanted to go to school, I will cry and cry but atlas see where we are today.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol I used to runaway from school ooh๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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2 years ago