How Do You Feel Today?

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Avatar for Abisolami
1 year ago

Hello beautiful people. How are you doing today? We are different people with different experiences and also with different feelings. I am very sure we all will be feeling differently today. God is so wonderful that he created everyone of us and gave us different behaviours. We may have the same experience but few different ways or have different feelings towards it. As for me, I'm feeling very good today. I woke up happily. I've been dancing since morning. I've got no reason but I'm grateful for life. I'm glad that I'm alive. Not just alive but Hale and hearty. Some people woke up today and fell sick. I mean a very serious illness but here I am dancing like I won a lottery. Is it not enough for me to thank God? It is!!! When there is life, there is hope. I'm hopeful for the better days ahead of me. Apart from that, life is beautiful. I am also trying to make my life more beautiful by making myself happy. Life is too short to be sad. Whenever it feels like I'm sad, I'll sy to myself. Common girl, stay happy!!!. It has helped me a lot of times. You should try it. If t can work for me, it will surely work for you too. There is no doubt about that. Happiness is a feeling but I think I'm permitted to say that happiness comes with another feeling that I can't explain. The feeling is within you. Imagine you make yourself happy everyday. It means you will feel that way everyday. That's so sweet.

What if I tell you that some people somewhere are sad at the moment. It's either they had an accident, lost someone, lost their job or anything. It's normal. It can be anybody but I'm glad it's not us. That's why we should be thankful!!! What will cost us to say thank you to the supreme being who woke us this morning? It costs us nothing!!! I mean, nothing!!! There are times that we forget to pray at night before sleeping and we will still wake up Hale and hearty. There are even times that we are lazy to pray. God is merciful.

Also, I'm very sure that we all must have had some bitter experiences in the past but we will surely get over it. One thing I've learnt is that, I should always be grateful of whatever situation that I'm in. Who are we to question God about not doing what we want for us? Who? Nobody!!! We just have to accept. We've got no choice. But I'm glad that God is treating me well. I'm his daughter and his baby. He loves me too well. I know God loves you too. He loves us all. He wants us to be thankful to him. It does not cost us anything 🙂.

Please, no matter what happens to you, stay happy. By the end of my article, I will ask how you are doing today. Tell me you're fine🙂. Don't fake it😁. So, how are you today?

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$ 0.02 from @Gaftekloriginal
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Avatar for Abisolami
1 year ago


Indeed, life is to short. We need to be happy and choose to be happy all the time. ♥️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's it, my friend

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am very happy and grateful for the gift of life also. Its good we are always happy everytime cos it will lighten up our day.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Happiness is key!!! We all need it!!!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes we should always be grateful no matter in which condition we are living although we all have experienced different things in our past life but it is better to get over it

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Exactly Thanks for visiting

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1 year ago