The Afternoon Sun!

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Avatar for Abir123
4 years ago

Assalamualaikum Guys! How are you all?
It's me Abir ...nd I'm fine by the grace of Almighty Allah:')

By looking at the title, you must have understood what today's photography is going to be about. Yes I will show photography of the sun today. You already know that I love to do photography. And this is one of my hobbies. And I like to do it a lot.

Yesterday we got to see the face of the sun after four or five long days. In the previous days, there were lots of clouds in the sky and light occasional rain. Sometimes it was raining heavily. Then yesterday it got very hot and the sun was very intense. The sun shone brightly yesterday..

In the afternoon I go out of the home a little. And take these photographys from there.

So let's take a look at photography..

The Afternoon Clouds

The picture shows that the sun is covered with white clouds.. Even then the sun was so intense that I could not look at the Sun. The photographys I collect from the front of my primary school field. I don't know what it looks like in the picture but in reality the sun looked much more beautiful.

In this photography I stand on a small culvert.
And I use the wide angle lens of my mobile. So that many parts can be seen together. And yes I tried to show but I don't know how successful it has been.

White Clouds

In this photography I am from the south side. Yesterday there were white clouds all over the sky. Seeing all the sky, it seemed that clouds like white cotton were moving around. The environment looked pretty good. The gentle breeze was blowing all around.

In the two photographs I have tried to present a little differently. I don't know how successful it has been.

So this was like today. Hope you like it. I will come up with the next article soon inshallah. Till then stay connected!

Have a nice day...
Allah bless you ❤️
Good bye 👋

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Avatar for Abir123
4 years ago


Nice photography dear brother. I like all those photos mainly the first one 😊🤗

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you so much brother for your compliment ❤️

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are so good in this type of photography.

.Visit here & suprt me pls:-

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4 years ago

Done ✅

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4 years ago

Subscribe done back me

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4 years ago

Done ✅

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4 years ago

A very nice shot dear. ☺️ I have some of this kind of shots also hope you can visit ❣️

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks so much for the compliment.Yes I will definitely go to your profile and see your shots❤️

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4 years ago