Soliloquizing 1

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2 years ago
Topics: Soliloquy
11:30 am

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I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the world is kind of scary right now. This is why I, Abhay, am putting all things into perspective.

I know a lot of us are feeling so much right now. And as I look around at all the people who have been there for me through every step of my journey, it only makes me love you all more. And as I look around at all the people who are facing these issues for the very first time, it only makes me love you all more.

I know a lot of us are unloading a lot on social media and it’s cool if you wanna do that. But I specifically wanted to reach out and tell you that I thought about us today. Because I know we all feel like we’re facing whatever by ourselves right now. And I wanted to take a moment to remind us that’s NOT true.

Maybe it’s just me, but whenever I’m facing something big, and I think about all the friends who’ve been there for me before, they always come out of nowhere and they are EXTRA.

It’s time to stop worrying about tomorrow and start living for today because there may not be a tomorrow.

Let’s start small. Let’s start with our health. We can eat better, move more and sleep more. And when we are healthier, that is a product of how we live our lives, we can continue to make positive choices.

I want you to empower yourself to do whatever it takes to live your best life.

I want you to inspire yourself to love yourself because if you don’t, who will?

I’m not gonna lie. Soliloquizing is not a normal thing for most people. But I can’t help myself. I pick up my phone and talk to myself at least once a day.

I love it. In fact, I’m doing it right now.

But my soliloquy isn’t just any old rant or rave.

No, I use my phone as a personal motivation coach.

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’m going to do after

I’ve been thinking about my next article- I know that I’m excited to write on the subject of motivation and facts ... and I have this idea that makes me so excited, but it’s too early to share.

I think we need a whole new way of viewing the world.

One thing we probably both agree on is that fact is so much more interesting than fiction. Fiction is all make-believe, right? Admit it, your life is so much more exciting than any novel or movie you’ve ever seen.

Social media is truly magical. It allows you to talk to your friends, to create communities of like-minded people, and to get on the same page with someone who shares your views.

I can’t imagine how I’d feel if I didn’t have Twitter as a way to cheer laughter. I can’t imagine being without the ability to share photos with my contacts, or to give people behind the scenes looks into my life.

The Internet is truly transformative in this way, but it is also so much more. It gives brands a public voice. It gives people access to the world of commerce that was previously only available to a select few. It allows us to participate in communities we never would have had access to before.


A lot of us forget that we have a voice. We get busy, get distracted, get wrapped up in the antics of everyone and everything around us and suddenly, we’re not quite sure what we want anymore.

The problem is, you do know what you want. You just don't trust yourself to know what you want.

I’m no expert, but I do know this: if you’re not answering the questions you ask yourself regularly, you’re missing out on a lot of the truth about life and the world that you live in.

You’ll never know why you do what you do unless you listen to yourself. Your best friend, your worst enemy, your deepest lover, your most vicious competitor is always with you. And it's called: You.

You are the only person in this world who can control how much you stress and how much you relax, how confident you feel and how happy you are.

So be your biggest fan. Be your own hero.

Thanks for reading ❤️🙏

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Soliloquy


Hmmm Be your biggest fan WORD 🤌

$ 0.02
2 years ago

All these are fun when engaged in. I think most of us are active on this soloquizing but when don't often recognize it. Let me tell you,,,,when you fall in love there's always a point you sit and say out how your mind feel to yourself. "Why do I like him/her?" "What's pushing me?" Etc 🤣🤣🤪

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Self realisation is the biggest asset someone can get and also a ticking bomb

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've always been my own biggest fan and my biggest hero since I gained self consciousness of who I really am.

$ 0.00
2 years ago