My first article

3 61

My introduction:

Hello Every on Red Cash My name is Abdullah and I am studying for matriculation and I'm the topper of my school. I am 16 years old and I am a new user on Cash. I have a small family in which Ami, Abu and one sister and two brothers and I'm very naughty. We have a cat that I love. My country's name is Pakistan and I live in Abdal village of Gujranwala city. My village is very beautiful.

My Hobbies:

I love tree planting and archery and I love playing games and I go to different places for sightseeing which I really like and besides, I love cooking. I also enjoy reading books and I take everything as a challenge.

My friends💖

My friends are very nice to me. We all do school work together. We help each other and we go to different places together and have fun.

My fault:


If I fail at something, I get frustrated very quickly.


I can't wait for anything.


I trust others very quickly.


To some extent I've the ability to observe life in diverse dimensions for this purpose I've chosen as a path to share my views about life and other circumstances.

I hope my words will convey a lot of ideas.

$ 1.18
$ 1.16 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Mictorrani
$ 0.01 from @spok


Welcome to this platform 😊😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome Abdullah, hope you'll like Just be sure to follow the rules. If you have anything to ask about how it works here, don't hesitate to post about it. Most people here are friendly and helpful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago