Sex in this time of pandemic

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3 years ago

How's your sexual relationship right now? Me? Nah, eversince this Covid-19 pandemic started, i pertained on abstinence, especially that i work in a hospital setting wherein Covid-19 patients are admitted.

So what is this virus that made us physically distancing to one another?

It's the deadly Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS-COV 2).

Let's break this down into vocabulary

Severe - Very Serious

Acute - Sudden

Respiratory - affects nose, mouth, throat and lungs

Syndrome - a group of symptoms

Corona - latin word that means crown

Virus - microscopic particle that infect body cells to replicate itself over and over again

2 - distinguishes it from other corona viruses

Covid-19 taught us to physically distance ourselves to one another. It is said that the virus can be spread by droplets, this means that it can spread from the secretion from nose, mouth and throat. Now the protocol to further prevent spreading the infection is maintain six feet apart, wear mask and don't go to overcrowded places.

So what will happen about the sexual life of people?

If you are in abstinence like me, it's a win for you but for others who can't give up sex, they can just admit defeat or turn into some innovations like masturbation, phone sexing, text sexing, cam sexing, etc ..

Yes, covid-19 is not a sexually transmitted disease but with the mode of transmission, we can't just ignore.

The safest way to have sex is to have sex aith yourself (masturbation), next is having sex with your partner who is within your household and practicing the guidelines to control infection.

As long as you can, avoid having sexual activity with anyone outside your household.

The control of the spread of infection is within you. Let your lustful die sleep within you for the meantime.

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3 years ago
