Art or vandalism

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4 years ago

Now days graffiti is really popular among the youths. They're willing to paint various absurd or meaningful pictures on the walls and vent their emotions and specially their angers on the city.

Although citizens have started describing graffiti as a new part of art, it is still kind of vandalism among "proctor's of cities".

In the USA, governments are spending 6billion dollars for cleaning this picture each year, but something should be done obviously.

In some countries like Japan and Iran, police department with the help of courts, instead of prison sentence, a person who painted graffiti, sentence to clean that and work as sweepers in the cities.

What is your opinion?

Is graffiti art or vandalism?

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It is both. It is definitely art. But when it is painted on someone else's property without their permission, it is also vandalism.

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4 years ago

Although I think they are beautiful, It's illegal because you are using someone's wall for "venting your emotions" and it's not fair.

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4 years ago

For me graffiti is an art. It is one way to express one's emotion through arts. Some people may see it as an vandalism but if they open their minds with it, they may understand its meaning.

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4 years ago

But when you doing that on one's property , It's not fair and correct.

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4 years ago