affective biological and physical benefits of breastfeeding

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2 years ago

The World Health Organization defines breastfeeding as the best way to provide the ideal nourishment for the healthy growth and development of infants; it is also an integral part of the reproductive process, with important repercussions on the health of mothers.

As a worldwide public health recommendation, exclusive breastfeeding should be applied as the only food up to 6 months of age since it contains about 88% of water enough to meet the baby's water needs and contains all the nutritional requirements for healthy development (carbohydrates, proteins and fatty acids) as well as preventing metabolic diseases of adulthood such as type II diabetes, hyperlipidemia and others.

Immunological benefits breastfeeding until approximately the 5th day of life the mother produces a milk called colostrum which is rich in immunoglobulins that act as a vaccine so that provides an immunological memory by the mother transmitted to the baby through breast milk so it is important to start breastfeeding early.

Breastfeeding is defined as the process by which the baby is fed through the milk produced from the mother's breast either directly or through previously expressed milk, its benefits are undeniable because from the affective point of view reinforces the mother-child bonding by generating skin to skin contact mothers feel joy by producing hormones such as prolactin that causes a positive feedback since it increases milk production as well as generates a sense of calm and positivity that allows relaxation while breastfeeding.

As well as oxytocin, which generates a strong sense of love and attachment between mother and child, all of this strengthens the mother-child bond and encourages mothers to breastfeed in subsequent pregnancies.

Recovery in the puerperium or post-natal period is faster in mothers who breastfeed because hormones that are produced in greater quantities during lactation such as oxytocin favor the return of the uterus to its normal size and also decreases the risk of bleeding has been shown that mothers who have breastfed later carry a lower risk of ovarian or breast cancer. It also delays the inter-gestational period if exclusive breastfeeding during the day and night delays the onset of the menstrual period up to 6 months.

Undoubtedly the economic benefit is superlative since breastfeeding is superior in terms of nutritional intake than any formula milk on the market, adaptability and ease of access, it does not need to be heated or preparation, it is always at the right temperature and available to the baby's suction.

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2 years ago
