Gratitude as a manifestation of love towards all those who help you!

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2 years ago (Last updated: 1 year ago)

Today I am going to talk about something that I feel that unfortunately, little by little, is being lost in this unbridled coming and going of our days, and that has to do with the fact of saying "thank you" Yes, that small and simple gesture that resonates less and less in our environments! I have a theory and, for me, that simple gesture contained in a few words is a powerful sound that in some way or another positively affects the development of events and the world around us! It sounds like science fiction, but I believe that it is not necessary to scientifically prove this fact. We only have to release the gratitude of our soul! Let it fly so that the powerful energy of love contained in a simple: thank you! has its magical effect in this world.

"Thanks" to my wonderful parents, I learned to say "thank you" as a way of expressing gratitude for blessings received, as well as for any help or a small gesture of attention that anyone had for me. At the beginning, when I was a child and my parents forced me to say thank you for anything, I found it annoying! Especially when you were only interested in eating the candy they had given you or going to play with the gift they had given you, so without thinking much about it, you would quickly say thank you and run off to enjoy what you had received! However, when we are no longer children and the world is no longer just candy and toys, we realize that the act of giving thanks is a priceless gesture that we should all value for its great repercussions and instill it in the new generations. Because, a world without "thank you" is a world without: ungrateful, vain, selfish, egomaniacal, disinterested... anyway, a world without much to give or receive!

Of course, the power of gratitude goes beyond the word itself, whether it is: gracias, merci, danke, arigato, etc, or, as I hear "Tiger" tell me when he excitedly receives the gift of a morning walk in the park that he likes so much! I am sure that those barks are of pure happiness, but also of can see it in his eyes!

By the way, the model in the photo below is Tegir, and I'll tell you a little about him and how we adopted him as the official mascot of the residences where I live six years ago!


There is nothing more gratifying than seeing the face of someone who thanks you from the bottom of their heart! Sometimes you feel that many "rude" people who mistreat you do not deserve that gesture of gratitude - this usually happens to me, mainly, when I am in a public office trying to get some document - However, I have realized that as one is not deprived of that gesture of thanking people as well as environment often experience a change of more positive attitude. Then that "rude" person who at the beginning was serving you reluctantly, is usually a little more receptive when you finally thank them, which means that something has changed in them, and the transforming agent has undoubtedly been your manifest intention to thank them, despite their attitude.

Therefore, it does not matter if at first the other person is not receptive to your energy, the fact that you manifest gratitude, despite the negative attitude of the other, is transcendental for your growth and spiritual development because you impose a loving attitude of change despite the negative environment.

It is like when it seems that you got off on the wrong foot and your day is plagued with pure calamities! Obviously, at that moment no thanks come to your mind, but on the contrary! I recommend that at that moment you stop for at least a few seconds and meditate on all the beautiful things you have and the blessings you have received. Because despite our bad days, we should always thank life for giving us the opportunity to be here and be who we are. Believe me we are agents of change and for every grace we give or receive something beautiful is brewing in this here and now!


I end this writing taking the opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart, for your kind words for my article and for being my first subscriber in this wonderful platform! Thank you @JuanyChelme, and to all those who read these lines I hope you like them and can always get something positive out of them!

For the moment I say goodbye, but not before telling you that here I will be writing articles about wellness, physical, mental and spiritual health, and all those topics that can help us to fall in love every day more of these avatars🕴👯 that we had to be in this Matrix 👾 🤖 so fun and unique in which we live!

Greetings to all, an online hug from Venezuela🙂✌️🇻🇪 !

...and remember first of all just loves yourself !


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Avatar for AMA-T
Written by
2 years ago (Last updated: 1 year ago)


I find it hard to say thank you to unpleasant people, especially when they have offended me. A few days ago a lady in a store laughed at something that is sacred to me (my pets) and I was furious. But I didn't say anything to her, even though I was the offended one, the woman now looks at me ugly. I love my animals and if others don't feel the same, that doesn't give them the right to laugh at other people's emotions.

I would like to know more about Tegir.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

🤗Hello dear Juany! it's great to see you here. You as always so kind to leave your impressions about my article! Yes, there are definitely times when it's hard to get that "thank you" out of our mouth, especially in a situation like the one you're talking about! What I do is that I thank that rude person, but, with an ironic tone, because in the end I know that he does not deserve it for his behavior, but, I make him notice it with my answer that in the end is a diplomatic way to tell him in his face that he has been rude that he will not make me lose the ability to share my energy with the world through the simple and powerful gesture of saying thank you! I'm sorry that woman was rude to your beloved pet and I know how it hurts to have any harm done to these wonderful beings that accompany us with their supportive love. Soon you will know more about Tigre, the amazing Feline Dog hahaha! 🥰 and as always ✨thank you✨💖 very much for reading and commenting on my article! From Venezuela Tigre 🐕and I send a huge and warm hug to you and your pets. Take care of yourself!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You know, for me before saying Thank You is not that important and that maybe tru gesture they can get that I am thankful even though I am not saying it. And also another reason why I don't say it whenever I receive a new things from friends, family or even just showing gratitude to those who serve me in a restaurant by a stranger is, I am too shy to even utter it. I dont know I just feel like whenever I receive new things all I can do is to look at them in the eyes and show them how shy I am and then run to my mother. But now is different. I already learn that saying simple thank you can give big impact to the one you saying it. It just show how w appreciate them and all. So whenever I receive anything to someone, be a compliment, a gift and the food that a crew served, I will say my thank you and yeah 🥰☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You know, for me before saying Thank You is not that important and that maybe tru gesture they can get that I am thankful even though I am not saying it. And also another reason why I don't say it whenever I receive a new things from friends, family or even just showing gratitude to those who serve me in a restaurant by a stranger is, I am too shy to even utter it. I dont know I just feel like whenever I receive new things all I can do is to look at them in the eyes and show them how shy I am and then run to my mother. But now is different. I already learn that saying simple thank you can give big impact to the one you saying it. It just show how w appreciate them and all. So whenever I receive anything to someone, be a compliment, a gift and the food that a crew served, I will say my thank you and yeah 🥰☺️

I know what you mean when you talk about shyness because it used to happen to me especially when someone complimented me . I would turn red like a tomato 🥵from embarrassment and I preferred to pretend I wasn't listening! hahahah Imagine someone telling you: How good you look today! How well you spoke at the meeting! ...and you don't say thank you because you feel embarrassed. It happened to me often, until I realized that it was not shyness, but something else that had to do with not recognizing my achievements and giving them the importance they had! That's why when someone gives me a sincere compliment I thank him or her with all my heart because that person is recognizing my virtues and that is beautiful. Just as it is beautiful to recognize the invaluable help of others towards you and that without fear some of you let them know through a simple and powerful word like: ✨thank you✨💖! 🥰thank you for reading my article and giving your opinion. Warm hugs from Venezuela!

$ 0.00
2 years ago