What Makes You Wish To Live Longer In This Earth?

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2 years ago

Biblical Background of the History of Creation

We can find the details of God's creation about everything in the book of Genesis Chapter 1.

Man is created a tripartite being

Basing upon this record, everything were created before the first man, Adam (make) and first woman, Eve (female). They were created after the image and likeness of God. God being in three persons, God the Father, God the Son , and God the Holy Spirit, but yet as only One God. While man , in his likeness and image of God posseses body, soul and spirit.

Man had a sinful nature

Man did not continue in his first state of his creation when they disobeyed God. Their disobedience to God made them lost their first state and begun to have a sinful nature, in which after their own likeness every human being in this earth were born with a sinful nature.

Sin Caused The Earth , Man & Beast Cursed

Disobedience to God is sin. Man disobey God so they sinned. An Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Holy, Just and Merciful God knew all what had happened . He gave man the opportunity to admit and confess their sins but no one admit and confesses, instead they blame each one . And God being Holy and a Just God has to punish sin. God pronounced the judgment of sin to each one, to Adam, Eve and the serpent , a beast. The details of the event is recorded in Genesis Chapter 3:1-24

My Personal Thoughts & Insights

Life is the most precious possession we have here in this earth. The body that we actually have will be nothing and useless without the physical life that we have. It is the kind of life that we all human being possess.

There is in reality a spiritual life that we also possess in life at the time of our birth. And this kind of life , we may not realize it , but it exist in us. It is the kind of life that we inherited from our first parents , which is called in a Biblical term spiritually life. And that kind of life became dead (not in fellowship or in conformity with God, our Creator when our first parents sinned.) Our sinful nature made us spiritually dead. And God being a Holy God , cannot fellowship with God and be in conformity with God. In such kind of a condition, we can be considered a human being physically living but spiritually dead, in the sight of our Creator, the True & Living God, Holy, Just, Loving, Merciful, Faithful, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, and an Immutable God.

Being Born Into This World is a Blessing

Our existence in this world, is not our choice, nor the parents we have. It is still God's permissive will for us to live in this world, according to His purpose and will in our lives. God has His Own reason and purpose for our existence in this earth. It is a marvelous thing to know and to feel that we have the opportunity to live life in this earth and we have to live it as much as possible to please and glorify him, as long as He gives us time to live.

Kinds of Attitude Towards The Blessing of Life

  • Thankfulness & Gratitude

    To receive something from someone is a reason to be thankful and grateful of. Not everyone who has life in the . womb and is born in this earth lived. Some died while in the womb , some died after birth of days or months. We must realize then , that our lives is not in our hands. It is in the hands of the One who allows us to live, the source of our life, who is God.

  • Humbleness

    Humbleness is acknowledging who we are before God. We possess nothing .When we came out into our mother's womb we are naked, we hold nothing in our hands. Even the life we possess is not our own. It was given by God to us and He alone has the right to take it at the time He appointed .

  • Responsible or a good steward

    We are God's steward of our life and everything that He will allow us to have in life in this earth. We must realize that God owns us. We are nothing and can do nothing without Him. The life , the body, the health strenght, the talent & capabilities are comes from Him . And as God's stewards we are to be responsible & stewards for we will give account of ourselves before Him in due time.

  • Spiritual Awareness of God's Authority and Priority

    We can live our lives as free as wanted and as we are pleased but we must keep in mind that we are only temporary in this earth. How we acknowledge the authority and priority of God in our lives will direct the manner of life we will have in this earth . Is God acknowledge or prioritize in making our decisions in life ? Do we seek his guidance, wisdom and will?

The Realities In Life

Life is short & Temporary

Death is sure

Tomorrow is Uncertain

We will face God in Eternity

We will give account of our Stewardship to God

We will be judge according to the word of God revealed in us.

We will face the consequences of not believing by faith what Christ has done for us , as our Saviour. Not believing and accepting Christ as Saviour and Lord in this life on earth will make us damned forever in hell and be separted to God forever and ever.

Believing by faith and accepting Christ as Saviour will make us be reconciled to God, our sins forgiven and has been paid by the precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus making us being born into the family of God, and given a place in heaven to live forever and ever with God.

Death will come at our appointed time. And when that time comes , we will face our God, our Creator, and we will give account to Him.

After all these things that I have shared to you, how would you answer the title of this article?


Is it because you have not yet done the things you want to do for yourself like to fulfill your dreams?

Is it because you still want to marry the one you loved so much & have a family of your own?

Is it because you have not yet done what you have promised to your parents and want to fulfill it yet.

Is it because you want to see your children to have reached the state of stability in all aspects of their lives?

Is it because you are not yet prepared to meet God and still need enough time to mend your ways to be ready?

I know you have your own reasons to wish to live longer in this earth. And whatever are your reasons, may God in His Goodness and Mercy and Love to us grant our wishes or requests.

May we not neglect the most important thing in life, and that is to prepare now for the life hereafter, which is eternal.

The Basis for the Salvation of our soul is faith alone in Christ and not the Religion that we have. The faith we have in what He has done on the Cross of Calvary and not on what we will be doing for Him or will be doing in His name. Christ finished our salvation on the cross of Calvary and nothing can be added to it. It is completely done for our sake as a gift of an everlasting love.

And in this Holy Week Season let us Reflect and Meditate about Christ's Sufferrings while He yet lived in this earth. He suffered for us , He paid for the penalty of our sins, so as we will not suffer condemnation in hell forever, but to enjoy eternal life in heaven with Him in the presence of God the Father.


4th Article for the month of April

April 14, 2022 - Thursday - 3:10 pm

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2 years ago


Lahat ginagawa po ni lord. Andian po siya para tayo ay gabayan at iligtas

$ 0.00
2 years ago

God made everything! We should be grateful at all time as he is there to our life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago