Time Spent And Be Spent

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2 years ago

Things happened in our lives for purpose and reasons. We can't expect everything will turn out to be always good, happy, comfortable and satisfying. But thanks be to God who is always there for us in whatever situation we face in life.

My long absence at home, I believe was allowed by God , so that I could have some time to spent with my two children and their family as well. Because when my two children got married and have their own family, I had no chance to bond with them for I am in some place away from them and away from home for some other good reasons.

Time Spent With my Eldest Family

It was year 2019, that I left Hometown to be with the family of my eldest, who is six months pregnant then. She requested me to be there with them for two reasons:

First, to be a helper in the store managed by his husband, for they are needing additional helper.

Second , to take care of her soon coming second baby, because she is a working mom.

Feb. 2019 to March 2020 I was with them. For a year I enjoyed being with them, though I find it hard to do all the tasks of being a baby sitter and a helper in the store. I was able to manage well my time in both kind of works I have to do. I was never bored or too stressed because I enjoyed what I am doing in the house taking care of my 2 grand kids, and enjoyed working in the store being a cashier and helper too.

When pandemic came , the store was closed and the family went home to Bicol, the province of my son in law. I was left behind and my younger son took me to live with them in Pasay.

Time Spent With My Youngest Son

It was Aug. 2020, that my son took me from the rented room of the family of my eldest daughter.

I lived with the family of my youngest son from Aug. 2020 to May 3, 2022 for I went home to my hometown province , May 4, 2022.

My time spent with my youngest son family was well spent, enjoying the time with them inspite of difficulties brought about by pandemic situations. I thanked God we survived the pandemic situations.

Time Spent with the family of my eldest daughter and family of my youngest son, are my cherished and memorable Experiences with everyone especially with my grand children. I thanked God He had given me the opportunity to bond with them during those times.

Noise.cash and read,cash were the platforms were I used to share those memories with them. And maybe if you are one of my subscribers in both, you might have read some of my posts there.

Time Spent In My Hometown With My Second Son

Presently, I am home now after almost three years in Metro Manila. I have to make up for the years of being away from home.

I arrived here May 4, 2022 , Wednesday at 1 pm. I was safe back home with my baggages and pasalubong. It was a happy feeling to be reunited with my son and loved ones here.

I arrived finding out how messed up the house was. It was so discouraging that my second son, no matter how I always remind him what to do while I was away, was only taken for granted.

With such kind of a situation, I just commented with such discouragement , not in anger but with annoyance.

Being tired fro.long trip, I just rested and give my pasalubong to him and ate with him as well.

How Should My Time Be Spent Now

  • It was a time to spend with tiring activities of cleaning up inside and out of the house for a week now and more days to go for I have not finished it all

  • It was a time to adjust to other circumstances different from what I used to have while with my other children.

  • It was a time to be caring and still show my mother's love to my son who is with me. Though I don't like his ways, and it irritates me, I just look at the good ways he has towards me. For he still help me in such ways accdg. to his ability and capability.

  • It was a time to think of such ways how to budget time, money, and use my strenght cautiously. For now, I was the one who will take care of it all the way, not like before my son and daughter took care of me.

  • It was time for me to more productive in daily tasks for I have too many to do that I myself alone have to do. At the same time to be productive to my two platform for it will somehow help me a lot in finances at least.

  • It was time to be more strong spiritually, physically for there are difficulties and challenges to face in life here now being back home.

  • It is time to be always on the go , no time for laziness, procrastinations, or taking things for granted.

  • It is also time to bond with loved ones and friends, neighbors, at convinient time only.

  • It is also a time to have much freedom to do what I want with my time for I am in my home sweet home.

I thanked God He had given me time spent with my loved ones, and friends and still time to spent with them for now.

I hope and pray God will still give me more time to spend that I will be bless and be a blessing too.

Let's all be reminded that time passes so quickly, and let us use our time wisely and enjoy it with people dear to us while they are with us and us with them.

Let us all value our time as we value ourselves , others and things we have.

Good Morning everyone . Have a God blessed day.

# 10 Article for month of May 2022
How My Time is Spent and Be Spent
Published: May 14, 2022 - 6:35 am

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2 years ago
