Taking Heed to Warnings is Necessary

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1 year ago

My province, Nueva Ecija , being in the Northern part of the Philippines, usually experiences typhoon every year. And typhoons are usually experienced from month of April to December.

Last month of May, this year I came home to our province after staying almost three years in Metro Manila. Since it was a rainy or wet season we experienced lots of rainfalls monthly.

But recently , we had experienced a typhoon. Among the Northern part of Luzon that was hit by the typhoon included our place, Nueva Ecija.

NDRRMC Alert Notification

Sept. 25, 2022 - Sunday , my son's cell phone alarmed, and it was the NDRRMC Alert Notification about the coming typhoon. I was preparing myself then in going to our worship place, at about 5 am in the morning.

The notification said that the typhoon coming was signal no. 3 and we are adviced to take some precautions. And the typhoon will be coming at about 18 hours from the time of notification.

At that Sunday morning the sun was still shining until in the afternoon. Assuming the warning was a serious matter to take into consideration ,after my nap in the afternoon I decided to prepare.

My Preparation for the coming typhoon

First of all, my concern was my Ukay Ukay & School Supplies for Sale, which I displayed in our terrace. I converted our terrace into a store so as I could have a source of income .

I take all the hanging clothes displayed on the terrace grills, and the school supplies items too, and placed it inside the house and others on my bedroom closet.

Then I secured to cover the terrace grills with canvas.

I also took the canvass covering of our pedicab. This is to ensure that our pedicab will not tumble down like the previous typhoon experienced, when we did not take out the cover of it, the strong wind tumbled it down.

Then , remembering our rechargeable lamp and power bank we charged it, while there is still power supply available.

charging the power bank for emergency use just in case our cellphone needed to be charge during power outage

Before it gets dark , I was able to finish what I though needed to do. It started to rain but there was not yet strong wind experienced. But by the time we are to eat our supper , there was already the power outage. So we ate supper using the rechargeable lamp.

I went to bed early that night. To put myself to sleep I listened to music, but stopped it to conserve the battery.

Prayers , Part of my preparation

I personally believe to whom prayer was to be addressed to. It is to the True and Living God. I believe He listens to every prayer that anyone will be uttered to Him. And I am very confident that He will hear my prayer.

So before going to sleep I prayed to God earnestly to keep us safe. Everyone of us in our community. At that moment, as the storm passes by, I hardly can sleep, though my eyes were closed yet my mind was so awake. Every whip of a strong winds on the roof top, on every tree, and on the canvass, I heard it all. I even get up and checked on it. There was no much rain but only strong winds . Because of silence around , only the sounds made by the rushing strong wind was heard.

I felt my heart beats fast and I have to make such accupressure on my little finger right and left to calm it and it works . Prayers at that moment subsides my fears created by my mind. Prayers made me strong and comforted till I was able to sleep with calmness as the storm passes by . My confidence in God to whom I prayed calm the strom within me as the Storm is raging outside .

The strong wind started I think at 10 pm Sunday up to 2 am Monday. Thank God it didn't persisted long but it ceased and was gone.

We were able to see a bright new sunny morning that very Monday morning. Thank God we are all safe. The power supply were made available for us just today Tuesday.

My Closing Remarks

I am glad I take heed to the warnings given by the NDRRMC by making such preparations as needed.

Though the canvass was taken away by the strong wind, it just slipped covering the metal shelf . The side car was not overturned because I was able to take out the canvass covering of it. We had light throughout the night because if the rechargeable lamp. We were also able to use the power bank to recharge it when drained.

I had no more worries with regards to our rooftop gutters for I was able to have someone cleaned it and the tree in front of the house was already trimmed . I had previously aimed to work it out for I knew it's time or season that our place is being visited by typhoon . I thanked God that He provided the means to be worked it out at the right time.

#7 Article as of September 2022
Title: Taking Heed to Warning is Necessary
Published: September 27, 2022 -Tues. 

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1 year ago


It's really nice to prepare early before the typhoon strikes, so you won't be surprised anymore.

Of course, God is the one who can help us in times like this.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Climate change is facing every country but you said its a every year routine then why official not taking any action to secure all of you

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That is why the government had this NDRRMC to give alert notifications to affected areas to prepare. Besides local government of those who were frequently visited by typhoons had put up evacuation facilities and the government have calamity funds for people to be helped financially.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Its not a solution to give fund actually solution if it happens this time next time they need to stop it by using technology

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Modern technology like the internet and social media as being used responsibly are very great help to reach the concerned citizen with warnings to help them take actions and precautions immediately especially concerning typhoons or any possible natural calamities.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The weather is a very delicate problem! We can only protect ourselves and stay in safe places. We are very lucky with these warnings, we have time to put everything in place safely!

$ 0.00
1 year ago