Realities in Life Experienced (Part 1)

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2 years ago

We go through life experiences differently from each other. Lots of experiences that left memories good and bad , happy and sad. Lessons from such experiences made us a strong person somehow in spirit, properly motivated and inspired to live life to the fullest with the people whom we loved & share our life with in whatever circumstances we face.

Difficulties in family life

Life has not been easy for me , since childhood , being a member of a big family with a dozen of kids. But some of my childhood and grown up experiences did something advantageous to me.

Being raised in a poor family , to work to earn for a living was introduced at an early age. I grew up in this kind of perspective in life. To be happy and contented what is served on the table is part of my training. And to be a responsible child to the task given me is observed with diligence. I didn't expect that such kind of training and experience is what I need to be able to survive the hardships that I have to face in the future. And to take it into consideration, that is still something to be thankful for .

Problems faced in Married Life

I got married 26 yrs. Old and my husband 24 yrs. Old. We were both Christian Baptist believers. We met in Bible Baptist Church , Caloocan in our youth days, and our wedding took place in the Church, Jan 9, 1981, having our very closed friends, and church mates as our sponsors.

  • Not having a permanent place to live

As a couple we have not prepared ourselves a place of our own to live. We have to rent , or stay in either to my parent's house or to my husband's house, whichever is necessary thing to do.

Since both of us are working we decided to rent a room. And the first place we chose was in Quezon City.

In Quezon City

As a newly married couple we lived in a room for rent place. The place was accessible to my working place but not to my husband , who is working in Navotas. I worked as a private secretary in an establishment, in Tandang Sora , Quezon City, while my husband was battery man in his cousin's battery shop in Navotas.

When I got pregnant , I resigned to my job and moved to Caloocan , to my parents house. There I gave birth to our first baby, a girl. We only stayed there until my baby was going to four months old. We decided then to go to my husband's parents house, cause it's more nearer to my husband's working place.

In Tondo

When our baby turned four months we decided to moved to Tondo to my husband's house. It is because it was near to his working place. I lived with my in laws and tried to learn to socially mingle and adapt with them.

When the rented room downstair were vacated we took it . We lived there and there was born my second and third child. I had my ligation when my third child was born.

In Negros Occidental

My mother in-law convinced my husband to live in Negros with us , his family, to take care of his grandfather who is on his old age and had an alchizhmer disease, and somehow to inherit for himself whatever his mother was entitled to inherit. My husband was convinced, and so we went as family to Negros Occidental. My kids then were 6, 5 and 9 months old. We stayed there for almost 2 yrs. We just went back in Caloocan after there was an earthquake that hits the Negros. When my husband has the chance to go back to Manila, he visited my parents. And my parents were so mindful of me and told my husband to let me and children get back to Caloocan. They gave my husband money for our fare as a family. It was my mother this time who convinced my husband to take us back to Caloocan, to my parents home. My husband was convinced so we were back to Caloocan City.

Travelling Experience By Sea

It was my second time experience to travel by sea. The first one was when we go to Negros Occidental. It was a smooth sailing experience that I enjoyed without feeling dizzy . My second one was when we are travelled back to Manila. It was like a nightmare experience. It was so scary compared to the first one. It was month of July. It was night and the ship was in the middle of the sea. It is part of Mindoro wherein they say there is shark. At that time we were in the upper deck and you can just see the surroundings. We were all sound asleep when we were awaken by the storm. The ship was tossed by waves caused by a strong wind. And this condition made us all felt dizzy that each of us vomitted. I had took our pitcher and from there we took turns in vomitting. The engine of the ship ceased and the more we felt the tossing of the waves with the strong wind in the ship. We were all scared praying that God will keep us safe to shore. In the ship you can hear the memorized prayers others usually prays. Not long after the engine of the ship worked and the wind ceased causing the waves to be still. Then we were able to sleep again and wake up safely back to shore and back to Caloocan to live with my own family this time

Summing Up & Lessons learned

Our family life lived a transitory life when it comes to residency till my kids had grown up because we have not build our own house to stay permanently. Though I inherited a residential lot parents still we were not able to build our own. We just lived in my parents house longer than in any place we stayed. My siblings who have families of their own have their own houses to live so it was I & my own family lived in house.

There's lot of disadvantages of having such kind of a transitory residency .

In my case establishing a closed & solid friends is not achieved.

And another thing is you always have to adopt always to a new environment, and make new friends and acquaintances again and again.

It's very difficult to have your possessions always intact. You would always want to settle to less possessions since you are but temporary to such a place.

My final say

With my experiences in life, from childhood to adulthood to parenthood , whereever God had lead me to live with my family, I can testify God has been good to us. He provided and protected us by all means. As a family we see to it that we have a church wherein to attend to, to let ourselves be fed by the word of God .It helped us a lot to be strong in our faith, when we faced difficult situations in life. Through God's words we find comforts and peace, that though we don't live a very comfortable life, yet we were happy as a family together whereever God lead us. Whenever or whereever we are God's presence and loving care is always felt and experienced. To God be All the glory.

#7 /5 Article - Goal Achieved for month of Jan. 2022

Realities in Life Experienced Part 1

January 17, 2022 - Monday 12:03 pm


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2 years ago
