Realities In Life

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2 years ago

Nothing is permanent in life. Changes are inevitable whether we like it or not. Having this in mind as a reality , we ought to face life and welcome changes in its realities willingly , with open mindedness, having faith in God, trusting Him and believing He allows such changes purposely for our own good , to make us a better person and not bitter, to enjoy life to the fullest , accdg. to its possibilities.

I am sure no one likes to stay in the same situation in life that is detrimental or not so favorable for us. No one wants to stay as a baby for a long time, but wish to get older and live longer. No one wants to stay penniless , unhealthy, jobless, look ugly, uneducated , unhappy, alone, and many more. We all want to have changes in some ways or in many ways in life that this world could offer to improve our well being , physically, materially, financially socially, mentally, emotionally and most importantly spiritually.

People come and go in one's life , come and go in one place , come and go in working activities, come and go in a relationship and many other things. No one settles permanently in the same situation as times goes by. Different situations face in life were the very reasons of anyone to shift from one scenario in life to another.

Whatever situation we are in now, face it realistically. Make the possible changes that you could, to improve , to profit from it by learning lessons from it and enjoy life with all its possibilities offered.

We only have one life to live, so live it daily with full of hope and trust in God, whose love to us is unfailing, unending and unconditional. And having such love bestowed upon us and ability to love , live life with love always available to share to others. To love and be loved is the greatest experienced we could ever have in this life that would make life meaningful and worthwhile.

A person who truly knows God personally as God should be known as He is in reality , as Creator, Saviour and Lord, I believe will not regret to have his life lived in this earth, and whenever he leave this earth to have the life here after in a prepared place by God which is heaven.

#1 Post for month of Aug. 2022
Title: Realities In Life
Published: Aug. 20, 2022 - Sat. 4:56 pm

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2 years ago
