My Views About Success

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2 years ago


There are things in life that people differs in perception. The reason maybe is of the differences due to knowledge and personal experiences encountered , or observed.

What I will be sharing are my personal thoughts about success, the most coveted things in this world by everyone.

Meaning of Success

Success is an attainment, accomplishment or achievement of the most desired thing in life, that this world has to offer. It could have stages , or kinds that can be considered, from simple to varieties or quantities. As life has stages of development so is success. As personalities has different kinds and so with success. Success therefore as an attainment, accomplishment or achievement depends on person's stage of development, and personalities.

Success is a means of Motivation

Success being the end in itself , is also a means of Motivation to anyone. It is the nature of every human being in every walks of life to desire to have success. It is always present in the heart and mind of every individual. The mind directs to fulfill the heart's desire. The mind creates the plans, accdg. to heart's desire and body moves accordingly, and properly motivated.

Means to attain Success

The life within the body that we have and with all the abilities and capabilities endowed to it by God are the basic means to attain Success in life. And being the means it is also the recepient of all it's successes. Every individual has its own abilities and capabilities to be used to make it possible to have success. Anyone can discover it as he make used of it and enhanced it.

How To Attain Success

Success is attained not overnight. It will take some time to have it. To some it might be quite easy but not with others. Success is made possible for those who are focused and truly determined . One might have the means, but lacking focus and determination , results in failure.

Obstacles to the Road of Success

First and foremost, it is ourselves. The battles begins with our mind, heart, and body. When one of it would not cooperate, chances are difficulties, and problems arises. When the mind plans and the heart is motivated by the plans , it won't work when the body does not cooperate due to lack of discipline, or health concerns. The next thing may be our attitudes or behaviour. When things aren't going accdg. to our expectations and plans we are easily discouraged and proned to give up or quit. Fear or lack of confidence that we entertained in our minds distracts us from our focus when not handled right away. Overconfidence on the other hand ruins when it's based on uncertainties and not on realities. The last may be the focus and determination. In the process of the journey to success,when our focus is diverted to the negativities and let it affect us , determination to go on subsides to its lowest level. Not being able to take the risk and be determined to go on forward is cowardice and shortsightedness. Not realizing going back would be a lot longer to take than to move forward which is just a short distance to take near to success.

Firm Decision Has Vital Role To Success

There is a Biblical passage that says : " A Double minded man is unstable in all His ways. And I think to take this into consideration is wise to take, because being double minded is detrimental to having success. Firmness in decision is focus and determination itself. No failure or defeat can overcome the focus and determined person who firmly decides it.

These are all I have to say, and am.glad I did it. I just hope you have found my personal views something to ponder upon.

Nov. 14, 2021 - Sunday - 2:41pm

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2 years ago
