My Spiritual Life Journey (Part 2)

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Time, Places, People, & Activities

As a continuation of My spiritual journey (Part 1) I will continue my story in my last mention about the Church that I have been one of the pioneer members of it, together with my highschool friends and classmates.

In Calvary Baptist Church

This Church started as a Mission Church of Bible Baptist Church in Sociego, Sta. Mesa , Manila wherein I am a member of, because I was baptized in that Church.

My membership was transfered to Calvary Baptist Church. The Pastor of this Church came from the Bible Baptist Church of Sta. Mesa, so the teachings and practices are the same.

In this Church , I was fed and nourished by the word of God. I was trained to be a Sunday School teacher to kids. We had the Teacher's Meeting werein we are trained techniques in teaching the word of God to children. We were taught the songs to be taught and we're given Lesson Plan to be studied for us to teach it with the visual aids needed. I started to teach the Kindergaten children . At first It was difficult for me but as I continue doing it, by the grace of God and wisdom given me I was able to teach and enjoyed it.

As there was opportunity to teach, I do not have second thoughts in participating . On Saturdays with other young people like me who are willing, we go to places within the area to conduct Good News classes. It is like teaching in Sunday School , where the word of God is being taught to children.

In this Church we are also taught personal evangelism. This is a kind of personal witnessing to a person , sharing the gospel of salvation by using the verses from the Bible . It is also called soul winning.

Involving in doing such kind of activities in church is voluntary. I volunteer to such activities as my service to God. I was a part time worker of the church.

During this time that I am attending in this Church, I was able to invite some of my loved ones, relatives and friends to attend Sunday Services. So as they would hear the gospel of salvation and accept Jesus Christ to be their Saviour & Lord . My mother and my older sisters and a younger one & relatives professed faith in Christ while others did not. Nevertheless I kept on praying for them that the time will come they would realized that they too needed to believe and accept Christ as their personal Saviour.

My loved ones who professed faith in Christ continued with me in attending Sunday Services and get baptized too.

In Bible Baptist Church Caloocan

The time came that I decided to leave Calvary Baptist Church. I think the reason why is my break up with my first boyfriend. So as not to see each other again , I prayed to God to lead me in Church of the same faith and practice.

God answered my prayer, one Sunday I decided to look for it. I once attended this another mission church of Bible Baptist Church, Sociego, Sta. Mesa , Manila. And I remember it. I rode the jeep going to it, but I was surprised to know that they have already left the place. I never did stopped to look for it. I said to myself, Lord just this once, help me to find it. I rode a jeep , then it stop when an old lady have to take a ride. When the lady had just seated I saw her having a Bible in her hand and I asked her if she knew where Maranatha Bible Baptist Mission was. And she said, she knew it , and she will be going to it. So I go with her and find the members whom I personally met before . They were now occupying a big building and it was their first Sunday Service being held there. I was thankful to the old lady, who is one of the faithful members of the church. God has used her to answer my prayer. So I attended their worship service that afternoon. The pastor of the church was Pastor Gil Aranda, a missionary pastor sent by Bible Baptist Church in Sociego, Sta. Mesa Manila to start a missionary work in Caloocan City.

Having found then this Maranatha Bible Baptist Mission which turned to be Bible Baptist Church of Caloocan when it was organized as a Church, I attended their church services, and finally transferred my membership and they accepted me.

In this Church, I started to be active again. I attended all their Sunday Services: Sunday School , Morning Worship Service, Young People Meeting, Evening Worship Service and Midweek Services. After a year of faithfully attending Church Services, I was allowed to join the Church Choir, and render special number like duet , or group singing. As I was already working at that time, I gave my tithes and offerings , and participated in other givings as the Lord blessed me financially. I grew spiritually , and in my service to God. Besides being a member of the Church's Choir , I also teach children in Sunday School Children's Dept. and as time passes by promoted to teach the High Schoolers, then the College or young Adult Dept. and when I became an Adult, the Adult Class Dept.

In this Church , my husband and I met. He was also a transferee member accepted. Both of us were attending Young People's Meeting and he was also a faithful member. Within the 7 mos.Of courtship we decided to get married and the Pastor of the Church , Pastor Gil Aranda , officiated our wedding ceremony, Jan. 9, 1981. We both continued in the Church and in serving God till we have our third child. He became a deacon in the Church then.

But the time came we have to leave the Church , because my family in the province needed me , so we have to move on. That was year 2008. My children were old enough then and two of them were working so they stayed in Caloocan City, and the other one went with us in Nueva Ecija.

I have to end for this event for now. And there will be a part 3 of this spiritual journey. I hope you stay and continue as I unfold my spiritual journey till the present time.

As the Lord leads me in my spiritual journey , I just follow His leading though I be alone and no one joining me. I am counting on God's faithfulness and holding on to His promises, that makes me to continue in my spiritual journey.

#16 Article for Month of May,2022
My Spiritual Journey (Part 2)
Published: May 25, 2022 -Wed.2:45pm

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