Meant For Each Other

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2 years ago
Topics: Relationship

This phrase meant for each other , suggests something about two persons being involved in a love relationship.

But putting something like different punctuation marks after it make the phrase connotations, or meaning of it differ from each other.

Meant for Each Other.

It is describing that the two persons involved in a love relationship are settled or is confirmed or haved an affirmation of a firm decision that they both agree to have each other in total commitment of their love relationship.

This could also mean for both that they put an end of looking for somebody else to be committed to in a more personal or private way. Meaning no third party involve past, present and future love relationship.

This could also mean you have accepted the very person himself or herself just as he or she is inside and out. For you both have at least known each other better for quite a long time as friends, as lovers or any other reason. You both know quite well whether you are compatible enough to work the relationship to be if not good , a better or the best one.

This could also mean that you consider both without any shadow of doubt that he or she will be the one to whom who will say "I DO" , and to whom you will promised or made a vow of love for better or for worst, in sickness or in health, for richer or poorer, till death do you part, before God and before men. And you will seal the marriage contract with your signature wholeheartedly and willingly.

Meant For Each Other?

This is a different situation wherein the love relationship of a couple is in question or have a negative appearance or even feeling seen and felt not only by the partners involved but others as well around them.

The manifestations of incompatibility is so obvious in their manners or attitudes or behaviour. It is understandable if the relationship is quite new, or both are immature emotionally or mentally.

Doubtfulness or doublemindedness is present or can be detected , from the love relationship. And having it the relationship becomes unstable or shaky. Uncertainties begin to creep in , into their hearts and minds.

Trust , loyalty and faithfulness were matters or issues need to be proven by both parties involved. Commitment therefore is far beyond reach. Surviving the live relationship is at risks or at stake.

Meant For Each Other !

We all know that nobody is perfect, therefore no relationship is perfect as well. But despite it's reality there are those who make their love relationship survived many difficulties, incompatibilities, failures and mistakes committed by both parties involved. It was such an amazing love story that are very seldom to happen but is possible to happen, for there are really married couple who stayed together in their lifetime happily .

My Personal Opinion

The kind of love life or married life is in our hands. We are the one who decides. And our kind of decision will have results accordingly. We can commit mistakes, because it is enevitable for we are not perfect and we have limits.

But knowing ourselves better than others, we can do something to be someone to be meant for someone so as life can be better lived to its fullest way pertaining to a love life relationship that will culminate to a happily married life.

#3 Article for the Month June, 2022Meant For Each Other
Meant For Each Other 
Published: June 4, 2022
Saturday - 8:01 pm

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$ 0.01 from @jen-123
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2 years ago
Topics: Relationship


You are right that there is no perfect person. We all make mistakes

$ 0.00
2 years ago

El amor en pareja deber ser honesto para poder superar dificultades, problemas y conflictos.. Y sobre todo Dios debe ser el centro de la relaciĆ³n en pareja.

Dios te bendiga hermana!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago