Lessons Learned From Pandemic

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2 years ago

Unexpected Things Happened in Life

In Philippines history as far as I have known, nothing like this pandemic that lasted for almost two years had strucked our country to the worst scenario ever experienced by its citizens. I , for one among the millions of the citizens of our country , never expected such things to happen. It's like a nightmare in your deep and peaceful sleep that troubled you and made you uncomfortable that you wanted to wake up at once to get rid of it. News was spread all over the country about this corona virus (Covid19) in social media. This is to make every concerned individuals to be aware of the impending facts about it and give warnings in order to be prepared for it and take safety precautions. I saw how people panicked on every side. You can see from the people's faces and actions how affected they were of such news. The situation was like a caught in the act situation, a thing not expected to happen but you are there trapped and just waiting for somebody to notice you and extend a helping hand in order to survive. And that was just happened in reality.

Kinds of Responses on Pandemic Situations

People in all walks of life, not only in the Philippines, but globally speaking who were affected, responded to the pandemic situations in different manners. The first reactions of people is to panic. Fears are seen in their faces and actions. Topics of conversations are all about the issues regarding Corona virus (Covid 19). People are in rush going to and fro on supermarkets buying all they could afford to buy as stocks of foods and basic necessities because of the announcement of coming lockdown . Fears, Worries, Anxieties,Negative thoughts filled the hearts and minds if people. Fear of uncertainties in life troubled all people.

Basic Concerns on Pandemic Situations

Economic Concerns is actually the government concern for the country to survive the pandemic situation. The government has all the power and control of it. The citizens of the country is but to obey it's mandate and protocols.

Health Concerns is the real issue of the pandemic situation. So it is the main concern to addressed to , for every life of every citizen in the county is at stake.

Basic Needs Concerns are the most concerns of every individual and family. You can hear some people rants and complains everywhere in communities, and in social media. They say they are more prone to die not in virus but in hunger.

Financial Concerns is needful in order to survive. Basic needs cannot be met without it. And how can one have finances when work is not available due to companies and business establishments wherein people work were closed.

The Effects of Pandemic Situation

The results and it's effects are seen and experienced by everyone, regardless of the status in life or age. The tremendous and painful effects are felt and widely experienced. Loss of loved ones, going through the process treatment itself to those who were sick, the loss of jobs and source of income, the bankruptcy of businesses, the loss of freedom enjoyed, and many personal and private matters not to mention. All these happened within a period of time unexpectedly.

The Means and Helped Availed On Pandemic Situation

The pandemic situation calls for an immediate and emergency help needed. The government did it's best to respond immediately and as soon as possible to health concerns, basic needs concerns , financial needs concerns of the citizens of the country. All government agencies concerned to every needs were utilized to give aid and assistance. The Dept. Of Health, DSWD, working with local government officials with the Barangays to give financial support as well as goods to citizens nation wide .

VACCINE - The Present and Latest Aid Given

Finally , WHO has come up with Vaccines that could prevent people from the virus .The government has availed much of it to be given to the citizens of the country.And many people had already been vaccinated and a lot more have to be vaccinated. By doing so , at least people have somewhat relieved of the many stresses in life brought about by this pandemic.

The Good News - ALERT LEVEL 2

During this month of November 2021, good news was announced that Alert Level 2 is proclaimed to be in effect to NCR and to places in the country where Covid virus cases were low. Normal Activities can now be enjoyed but still need to be observant to health protocols to ensure safety and protection.

In conclusion, I would say, we have only one life to live, and let us live it worthwhile, purposeful and with fear in God , who gave us this life . Life is uncertain, we know not what should happen next, so let us always put our trust in God , believe and hope in Him continually not in this life only but more importantly in the life hereafter. The life here on earth is but temporary, seek the Lord and His guidance as always. Always remember God Loves us more than we know it. He send Jesus Christ to be our Saviour (John 3:16). And believing and accepting Jesus Christ into our hearts , confessing and repenting from our sins,salvation from wrath to come in this world will be ours , and we will also receive the gift eternal life. Jesus is coming soon. We are a day nearer to it. I don't know the exact date but the Bible says Jesus is Coming for sure. Let us be ready for it. And getting ready is here on earth not after the death come to us. It is now while we are still alive and have the time to pray to Him with sincerity in our heart accepting Him as our personal Saviour and Lord of our life. (John 1:12) The word if God is true and God's promises are true and will fulfill it. I hope today will be the day of your salvation . The day to become one in the family of God

Have a blessed day and good morning. Nov. 15, 2021 - Monday 5:00 am

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