How Effective is Your Communication Skills ?

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2 years ago

As social beings we communicate to people . It is important in our daily activities whereever we are. The first people we communicate with are those people with us, like our family, friends in school, work, abroad and in social media.

Importance of Communication

In the society or community we belong , communication with each other is necessary and is inevitable.

Communication is our personal way of expressing ourselves: our mental , emotional and physical well being. We need to be understood so as there would be no confusion, no doubts, no negative reactions that will occur.

Lives will be in a mess without a good & proper communication with each other individually or with a group of people.

There are many ways and means we communicate to everyone. But the question is , are we able to communicate with them properly, and effectively?

We can say that we are effective in our communicating skills when we are clearly understood. And when do we say that we are clearly understood?

It can be said that we have effectively communicated to a person, when the person respond in a way that we expect them to respond. But if the person respond differently , then maybe our way or means we use is not properly done.

Communicating to person if not properly done brings confusion and other negative results. To avoid such , we need to assess our ways of communicating to person or group of persons. Let us assess our ways or means of communication so as we can be effective.

Ways or Means Used in Communication


There are many kinds of languages in the world. If you are going abroad for reasons like for a vacation or most commonly done is to work, you need to have knowledge about the language used in that country and learn to write, read and most specially to speak it. Or else, in such a foreign land , you will not be understood by everyone there, not unless they also knew your own language. But that is not so possible if your language is said not to be the universal language like English.

Language is the best way to communicate to people. People having the same language used can.properly and effectively communicate with each other.


Accdg. to google Dialect is a form of a language which is peculiar to a specific region or social group.

Here in the Philippines there are lots of dialects being spoken. Philippines is composed of three groups of islands namely: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

In Luzon there are lots of dialects spoken.In Central Luzon, Tagalog is being spoken like in Bulacan, Nueva Ecija, & Tarlac. But in Pampanga & Zambales, they have another dialect.

In the Northern part of Luzon namely, Nueva Vizcaya, Quirino, Aurora, Isabela, Cagayan , Ilocano us their dialect.

In the Southern.Part of Luzon, known as the CALABARZON (Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, Quezon) their dialect were Tagalog.

In Visayas & Mindanao Region they also have their own dialects. So same Filipinos sometimes can't understand each other because if the different dialects. Not all Filipinos speak the official language , Pilipino , though it is being taught in Public School throughout the country.

The Filipinos usually speaks the dialect they are comfortable to speak, rather than the Pilipino, or Tagalog which is the official language. But mind you, same Filipinos with different dialect can understand each other using the English language. Funny but it's true. Filipinos can read, write and speak English . It is because in Public & Private Schools English is one of the subject bring taught from Elementary, Secondary School even in the College Level.

One of the good characteristics of Filipinos, is they can easily learn to speak different languages and they can write, read and speak English fluently compared to other nationalities.

Sign language, Body Language, Gestures

There are other ways used by people to I communicate to others. Sign Language or Body Language and Gestures are used not only with PWD but with other people who can normally speak. It's a difficult way but somehow can be learned.

Tools Used In communication

Tools Used previously such as letters or voice tape messages by mails using the post office and mailman to reach the people concerned by our messages were obsolete now.

We have now the high technology by which our messages can reach the person concerned in just one click in just a moment irregardless of the distance locally or internationally or even globally.

The best tools we have now with regards to communication are not only available but also comfortable and with ease to use. Cellphone, Computer, laptop, whichever you can afford using the internet to communicate . Long distance is not a problem anymore. You can talk to a person and see them personally as well.

There could be no reason at all for everyone to have communication to a person so distant from us but yet still tools aren't enough for others to maintain a good relationship.

Motives and Goals in Communication

Our motives and Goals in communicating to a person plays an important part or role in the effectivity if our communication . If you are properly motivated then your way of expressing yourself in spoken words, or gestures will gain good results, and well expected responses, irregardless of the tools you use.

There are lots of goals we have in mind in communicating to others.

Some believed in first impression last long. So lovers, used means to impress the one they love by personal means or virtual means, whichever is suitable or available to express the sweetness and thoughtfulness.

To married couples, living together or not, maintaining a good communication is a must to secure a strong bond in their relationship.

To families, who goals for unity, strong bond of relationship, maintaining good and proper communication with love and respect us a must.

In business realm on.line or not, a good communication is the best key to a successful business transactions, closed deals and shipping or deliveries of commodities.

Aiming To Be Effective in Communication

There can be lots of experiences in communication that we commit mistakes that leads to some failures in our personal, private or public relationships. We can learn from these failures if we take time to check it, assess it , then aiming not to do it again.

Developing a good communication skills can be one of the secret in the success we want to achieve, in terms of relationships and business wise.

Maximizing the use of hightech tools in communication is of great advantage. Try to learn how to use it. And upon learning it, be responsible and not abuse it.

#9 Article for Month of May,2022
How Effective
Is Your 
Communication Skills?

Published: May 12, 2022
Thursday - 5:30 am

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2 years ago


Tama po ang communication ay tunay na ngmumula sa ating kasamahan sa bahay. Isang mahalagang pamamaraan upang makapagbahagi tayo sa ibang tao po

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2 years ago