Getting to Know Me

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1 year ago

Hello everyone here in read. cash. I am so glad to be a part of this platform. It was such a great privilege for me to be counted as one who could write freely from the heart, anything that I can be able to share.

Like Apostle Paul, one of the New Testament author in the Bible, who said "I am what I am by the grace of God" I would like also to say, " I am what I am by the grace of God.

I am ALDEC314 , here in read. cash. This is a very significant name for me. It carries with it an unforgettable experience in my life. It was a sad story , but in the process of time, I was able to be comforted by the God of all comforts , who is our True and Living God, who Created us and have given us life to enjoy in this earth according us He allows us.

To make my long story short , my real name is Alicia, my nickname is Alice. Dec314 was the date my husband'death in the year 2014, almost 8 years ago. I am already a Senior, to be exact , I turned 68 yrs. Old last August, 2022.

And just I have just said lately, I was privilege to be a part of this platform, at my age. I am glad there is no age limit required to join here .

I joined read cash a year ago. And if you have time to visit my account here in read. cash you will know me better because most of my articles are my personal experiences in my life . Read cash had been like a diary to me , that I can go back into , to refresh some memories of my pasts. If I have written other articles of different sort of topics , it just show my personal beliefs, insights opinions , and observations of how life goes as I see and perceive it.

Writing had been part of me. I find it entertaining, making a difference in my routinary household tasks daily activities. It gives me a feeling of satisfaction. It is something that can be called an achievement to write something and be read by someone .I just hope, the readers are somewhat entertained, and informed. My wish is, that readers learned something or was blessed .

I am from Philippines, living presently in a rural area or province , wherein I was born.

I was thankful for such social media cites like wherein I can interact with people around the world. I believe and aware that there are lots here from different countries.

To everyone , hello here and wherever you are from. I hope we can be friends .

That's all I have to say. You can visit my account here to know more about me. Most of the post I have written talks a lot about me.

Good day everyone and God bless us all.

#4 Article - Sept. 2022
Introductory Post
Title: Getting to Know Me
Published: Sept. 16, 2022
Friday - 4:45pm

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$ 0.01 from @MaeAntoinette
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1 year ago


Hello po. Happy to meet someone like your age here. How I wish I can be like your who reach that age and still manage to writing here. God bless po.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hello po, I'm happy to meet you here, I already read your posts a few weeks ago, and for me it's worth to reading something from you, like your experiences in life.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Oh thanks for giving me such of your precious time to read. I appreciate it. Nice meeting you too here.

$ 0.00
1 year ago