A Night Dream Turned To Reality

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1 year ago

Dreams during our sleep are inevitable part of our sleeping hours at night or even anytime we sleep.

Personally , I am a woman who have frequent dreams anytime of the day whenever I sleep. Some dreams can be remembered in details while other dreams are not.

My husband , to whom I almost shared my dreams called me "Josefa" . He called me in such a name because of the lots of dreams I had. He based it on an Old Testament Biblical character named Joseph, who had lots of dreams.

There are a lot more dreams, that had been a part of my real life. Some good, and happy others are bad and sad. I can't help myself to get rid of dreams whenever I sleep. It's been a day by day night after night experienced. Dreams made me aware that I had a deep sleep and without it I knew I had not slept good.

The Story Behind This Photo

This is the present construction in progress at the moment on my inherited lot which has started last first week of April, 2023.

The building to be constructed will be a church building as one of the outreach of the Blessed Hope Bible Baptist Church.

The parcel of land where it is being constructed was my own inherited lot.

The Story Behind My Inherited Lot

Before my parents died they saw to it that the parcel of land (residential lot) be subdivided to us and had its own title. I had my lot which was situated on the end part of the parcel of land.

My own family lived in Caloocan City that time. My husband and I just decided to leave 2008 and went home to my hometown province here in Nueva Ecija. It was out of necessity that we stayed & lived here . And while staying here we stayed on my parents house to care for my old aged mother, a sick sister and a special child sister who at that moment were no one with them. My husband then somehow was able to care for my inherited lot and plant additional fruit trees , since it was a 258 sq . meter lot. He let an artesian well be digged for watering the plants.

The Dream About The Inherited Lot

I had lots of dreams regarding my inherited lot which was situated at the last lot at the back of our ancestral house. One of which dream that kept repeating again and again in my dream was that there was a building built on the said lot occupying a big space.

As I ponder on that dream, I could not imagine how it could happen, for I know I don't have the financial ability to work it out . So I leave that thoughts hanging and just forget it .

Years After The Dream

Years has passed after my dream about the inherited lot.

Year 2019 I was in Caloocan City with my firstborn daughter who is going to deliver her second child. It was the main reason why I joined her family , because she was a working mom.

Year 2020 when pandemic strikes that change life's situations of many people , and I for one was included in the changes.

When my firstborn daughter family left for Bicol due to pandemic, I stayed with my youngest son family in Pasay City and stayed there till April 2022 because of health protocol restrictions. It was only by first week of May, 2022 when I was able to travel back home to Nueva Ecija , when there was no more restrictions for travelling. Maybe it was because of the Presidential election that time.

Prelude of the Reality of the Dream

Being back home to my hometown meant being back to worship & fellowship with the church members in Blessed Hope Bible Baptist Church.

I was informed that they had started a Bible Study ministry in Barangay Cabucbucan, my own Barangay. Since I've been previously active in such work in the past, I joined them and intend to support the work in any means I can be able to help .

Just by Dec. 2022 the first Bible Study for Children was held inside the premises of our house.

The Situation Leading to the Reality of the Dream

The Children Bible Study continued up to the present time May, 2023. Since we are holding our Bible Study in an open space the necessity of a secured place for Bible Study was thought of and planned by the people concern, due to the coming rainy season.

They first thought of renting a small house temporarily , somewhere in the community. It came to my mind to offer my lot to build a temporary small hut , but it turned out to the offer of buying it to build a permanent building not only for Bible Studies & Worship place.

After much prayer by both parties, the Church under the leadership of the Pastor and me personally , a contract to sell was signed last March 2023.

The Construction of the Building

The Construction of just a small building started first week of April 2023 and still in progress. I believe in God's will and time the building shall be finish the soonest . And when that very time comes, I shall say the dream reality is confirmed.

Closing Thoughts

There is no doubt that everyone experiences dreams during sleeping hours. Dreams may convey a message to us for our present or for future life's situations. You may agree or disagree with me. But as for me, basing upon my past experiences with some of my dreams, I can only say , it conveyed a message that pertains to what will happen in the future.

First Comeback Post - May 11, 2023

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