The Day I Will Never Forget

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3 years ago

Naturally we all have ups and downs in life, some comes and awaken us and some comes and weaken us... Am not really a story teller but I will try my possible best to tell a story of the day I will never forget... thanks to @Dangerous_Fly for this wonderful opportunity.. Please try to read patiently, I don't know how to summarize it.

This day is a day I will never forget in my entire life. There's this course I did last year titled ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS 301, I did this wonderful course in my 300L first semester. The lecturer that took this course couldn't speak louder in class, never take attendance, no test, no assignment, no class works ... He is a lecturer from another school, he comes to class twice in a week...

As a student, when we don't enjoy a class we tend to skipped classes, sleep in classes or press our phones... You can believe this course is a 4units courseπŸ™„πŸ™„. We complained so many times but he will tell us we are no more kids.. He taught us for 3hours, 30minutes through out a whole semester which was 6monthsπŸ‘€πŸ‘€

As we are approaching the examination period like two days to starts examination, this wonderful lecturer gave us 10questions to solve and submit only 5questions as assignment πŸ€”πŸ€” πŸ€”... I was so sad because instead for me to get ready for my first paper, I was racking my brain on how to solve ten questions I didn't understood, I studied intensively..

I tried my possible best and I solved all questions.. On the day of his examination, every one in the hall was shaking because no one knew what to write. My name was called and I sat on my seat.... My mind wasn't settled .. We can talk before they finished calling everyone's name ( over 400students offers this course) .. people asked me my feelings about the examination, I told them all will be well ..

The first question paper was distributed, I collected it and to my surprise I couldn't solved any of the two questions in it .. then my face changed, I called the supervisor and I asked for the next page, still I couldn't solve anything.... I keep on asking for next page till I collected all the six pages, but still I couldn't solve anything 😴🀯.. my brain was empty, I don't know the time I started crying πŸ™‰πŸ™‰πŸ™‰πŸ™‰I cried like a baby...

I raised my head up, I noticed people beside me were looking at me hoping for me to start writing something down so that at least they could dope from me... But I disappointed them... I look behind everyone couldn't write anything.

This exam was to last for 3hours, you won't believe 95% of students submitted empty answer booklets after 10minutes they couldn't write anything down... The examination hall was turned upside down. Some genius students came to my table and tried to convince me to go and submit..

I couldn't submit empty sheets because that will be automatic carryover (FAILURE) I then started praying and I started writing what I don't know down.. I began to calculate as if I knew the questions... We were to answer five questions but I only answered three questions which I wrote nonsense ✍️✍️✍️

I left the hall after two hours and I couldn't say a word. I wasn't myself, I was scared because I knew I will come the next year to write the exam again... Some of my reading partners came to me and told me we can't fail because no one knows the question.. I kept quiet and when I got home, I prayed and I kept my faith strong.

To my greatest surprise, only five students passed the examination Excellently in which am part of them. Then I told my myself, had it been I submitted empty answer booklets that day I would have been among over 4oo students who failed the course...

This examination day is a day I will never forget because that was the first time I would cry profusely in an examination hall...and I promised myself to tell my unborn children that in life, never give up easily, try your best and leave the rest.

Thanks... @Eloquentmercy @Saif6878 @Jadeliyi @reyce @PrettyHelen you guys should participate at least to teach us from your experience

Below is the entry link πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Thanks for this initiative @Dangerous_Fly

$ 1.62
$ 1.62 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago


Such days are days we lose all hope but become joyous after finding out we really did well. This is indeed an occurrence one must not forget since there was a great working relieve (miracle) that really happen . Great tryπŸ‘

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Life is too short don't make it more short by doing unpleasant things and always pray to Allah for blessing on us and save us from all the worst situations in the world

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I can imagine this is a day you will never forget! For a moment I thought they gave the wrong questions and you would tell them. πŸ€”πŸ€πŸ‘

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Seriously it was a day I won't forget... How do I passed with what I did?? I still wonder till today... It was a miracle beyond measure.... I answered three questions with subordinates like 1a, 1b, 1c .... Using three pages πŸ€”πŸ€”...if you see the way I was crying in the hall, you will think I am the only one who couldn't answer the question

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Truly, a very memorable day in your life.....everyone has this kind of day in their school time be it sec school or University. We really have to keep our faith string and be so prayerful as we don't know where in turn it might help us.

Such a memorable day truly

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes oooo..... I can never forget that day.. everyone on Earth has their own hiccups too you have any???

Concerning your upvote I will do that later this week, my points hasn't be yielding well

$ 0.00
3 years ago