Learning To Think Ahead

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3 years ago

Life is not always a bed of roses😄

Isn't it???

There are times you are really occupied! Like stressed out atimes! You need to get so many things done within short period of time.

Many times, I go through this but determination helps me to stay true till I finish all but when I see I can't meet up, I try to apply scale of preference to see I don't leave out the most important or urgent one

A Scale of Preference according to Wikipedia, can be defined as the list of wants or needs that a person writes or comes up with in order of importance. Here, the person puts his or her most pressing needs or wants at the top of the list and then the less important needs go to the bottom of the list. 

Let me start. I have been really occupied this week. I have many things to do,(clothes demand is really high for me this week) like I need to meet up deadlines within short period of time and so good for me I have some other important things to do within this time although it won't fetch me money as this other ones am into😄, I run planning for my initiative as well. I have church meetings to attend to, and most importantly I must still cook for the family🙄. I need to do some graphics designs. To mention a few of what am really occupied with!!!!

*How I do handle many things at a time is that I accept and learnt how to multi-task. Which starts with being proactive. Yes. Learning to think ahead*

Multitasking is the ability to do two or more work at a time.

When it needs to be done , people involved (which includes who to reach out to first), if I can't do it then I delegate.

To delegate is to assign responsibility and authority to someone else in order to complete the task at hand but you retain the overall responsibility for its success. Most times, I let go of some work for my colleagues at work.

Scale of preference, that's an important way to relief oneself. Yes, delegation could be a great tool in meeting up with tasks.

Most times, when I have too many things to do I tend to be bordered because I might forget what I want to do but overtime I learnt how to write out my thoughts. I will be like this is what you will do tomorrow instead of having to start thinking what do I want to do today. Learn to write out all your activities for the day and choose to do them one after another...

Thanks for reading

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Great dear I have subscribed you

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Brilliant article

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Great one

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Great article

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