Don't Make Your Partner Lose Their Sparkle

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4 years ago

A lot of people say that the magic of their relationship has worn off and that there's no sparkle there anymore but when you look into it more deeply you find two people locked in a symbiotic relationship of mistrust, oppression and niggling encroachment. They don't give each other any space at all, let alone space to be themselves.

But remember before we met them, they managed quite well without us but the moment we meet them we start giving them advice restricting their choices, limiting their vision and dreams. We forget that they too need space to achieve their aims .

So what can we do? The answer is simple, we have to stand back for a moment and see your partner as they were when you first met them and ask yourself the following questions;

What attracted you to him or her?

What was so special about them?

What made you fell in love with them?

What turned you on?

What is now different about them?

What has gone and what have been replaced?

Are they still independent person or you eroded their space, confidence, independence?

Don't make your partner lose their sparkle. Encourage them to rediscover themselves. They may need some time or space to rediscover their talents and skills.

Learn to spend time together and apart to bring something back to the relationship with them.Make your relationship healthy.

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4 years ago


This is so beautifully written 😍 touched my heart I'm so gonna follow these rules

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4 years ago

Thanks @Anabiya

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4 years ago


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4 years ago

You made it sounds easy but I believe it can be done with a little bit of giving and take.

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4 years ago

Things get easy when you see it as simple and easy

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4 years ago