Anyone Can Be In Need (Learn To Support Others)

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3 years ago

Am so much touched to write this article after I thought on how people around us are suffering all in the name of poverty. See reading this article is not going to be a waste of your time.

I will want us to note the following about life

1: No act of kindness no matter how small is a waste

2: There is nothing too big or too small to give to someone or to the society

3: The best time to do anything for anyone is now.

Mental well being refers to a state where the mind is happy, comfortable and healthy. There are many ways to improve mental well being but in this we will be looking at SOCIAL SUPPORT as a tool of improving mental well being.

Social support refers to psychological or material resources provided by an individual or an organization to others to enable them reduce and manage stress.

Social support is a life saver : this is because individuals who get this support are less vulnerable to ill health. I see social support as an immune booster and that's because it provides a sense of belonging, security as well as enhances a healthy self esteem.

Poor social support can lead to loneliness, depression and most times suicide.

Types of social support

1: Emotional support

2: Financial/ Material support

3: Educational/ information support


This is done by showing genuine care, love , encouragement and support to others . You might not give people money but the way you talk to them can worth more than money . Don't put people down with your words, actions or gesture

There is nothing wrong with you asking someone ;

How are you?

How can I support you

You look worried, would you like to talk ??

Don't just ask questions, expect response, listen to them , validate them, compliment them, BUILD PEOPLE UP WITH YOUR WORDS.


Learn to support people with your resources. It could be money or material things. When you see someone struggling don't just offer EMOTIONAL SUPPORT take a step further because most times emotional support is not enough. You could contribute little finance to help that person or community start up something. And of course you can give material things in place of money

If an individual needs table to start up a business, you might not have funds to support this person but if you have a table , giving that table to that person will go a long way in reducing their stress

Give that shoe

Give that bag

Give that bucket

Give that pot....

Learn to give out. It must not be funds and it shouldn't stop at just asking how are you


This deals with dishing out relevant information to others to enable them become better people. Hmmn..It must not be funds to shouldn't stop at asking how are you. The importance of Education and sensitization in our community can't be over emphasized.

Have you imagined how others (maybe people in our rural community) will feel when they become informed??

I mean, Imagine going to a community and sensitizing them on menstrual hygiene or any other sensitive topic. Imagine you were properly informed about some things and imagine you giving others an opportunity to learn and know those things without withholding the knowledge.

Don't you think our society and community will be a better place???Let me round off with a quick story that changed my life about social support. With this I encourage everyone one here today to make social support a lifestyle

Learn to support people. Support those around you, this might mean reposting their business. Reach out to as many as you can. Reach out to them

Emotionally, financially, materially and don't withhold relevant information. Go to communities. Sensitize our youths and younger ones.

Do you know alot of people have committed suicide because of poverty? HELP....

Please always remember the following

1: No act of kindness no matter how small is a waste

2: There is nothing too big or too small to give to someone or to the society

3: The best time to do anything for anyone is now

It make them feel significant and relevant.

Thanks for reading... If you find this article worth reading, kindly gives it a thumbs up by liking and commenting.

$ 0.31
$ 0.16 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.15 from @Tonycrux
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Avatar for ADEPRETTY
3 years ago


This article really worth the gift dear... I really do not know I shouldn't be using skin products with SLS and alcohol.... Very informative...keep it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't really understand you dear.... But I guess you are referring to my other article on skin care.... thanks so much for the gift

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ohh I guess it was a mixed up...render help even when it's convenient and not convenient... Help others with a heat of giving without expecting in returns.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Exactly....God loves a cheerful giver....I won't stop giving....and you?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I can't dear.... I give all time... Thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I can see that dear.... Thanks for all your gifts

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Excellent and well written article, yes it is always good to support others no matter how big or small the help is.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hope you are getting upvote from the random rewarder bot

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes Sha $0.01 per article 😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's good... Don't worry the bot will visit you more than that.... Just keep on writing quality content

$ 0.00
3 years ago

People around us really needs our help and the only way we could help them is to show care in terms of money, resources and even advice.... thanks for your contribution...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah you are right about that..

$ 0.00
3 years ago