Orange juice lowers cholesterol

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2 years ago

Sterol is similar in composition to cholesterol and can be found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, cereals and legumes.

By lowering LDL cholesterol, ie. bad, reducing its resorption in the small intestine, are often added to margarines, dressing salads and other fats.

New research has shown that plant sterols can be just as effective if added to orange juice.

This discovery is very interesting because orange juice is drunk by everyone, from children to adults.

Enriched in this way, orange juice would be suitable for people who have slightly elevated cholesterol, and do not use drugs or want to drastically change their diet.

The research lasted 10 weeks.

During that period, 72 people aged 20 to 73 with slightly elevated cholesterol drank sterol-enriched orange juice with each meal.

In the meantime, no one has changed their usual diet.

The results showed that all of them had a decrease in total cholesterol by 7.2% and LDL cholesterol by 12.4% compared to the control group.

Treatment with enriched orange juice in this way is extremely acceptable because it ensures a sufficient amount of sterol for its effectiveness, without saturated fats but vitamin C, flavonoids and other nutrients contained in it.

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2 years ago
