Read cash, errors and money does not reach the wallet

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Avatar for zulfrontado
4 months ago

Hello dear friends of Read Cash, I write this post because I have noticed that Read Cash has presented mistakes and worries me.

Frequently it happens to me that when posting long posts such as this appears to me that it cannot be published. When reviewing my profile it has already been published in my feed.

Another common mistakes that happen to me is that sometimes the page is out of maintenance, appearing a message of "Oop, a mistake has happened, something has been damaged, returns later."

Both events have worried me, so I have made the decision for some time to save BCH in an external wallet. For this I am using Hive Engine, from the Hive Blog platform. Hive Engine is the second hive layer, an interesting place to save, and perhaps do some trading.

However, my BCH savings have been affected by a third error of the Read Cash platform. The money does not reach my Wallet in Hive Engine.

I still have the same amount of Satoshis even though I have made several shipments. Where can I see the record of these deposits? Will my money come to my Wallet?

Enter Blockchair to see the movements in my Read Cash account, he says that the last retirement was the 7th of the month. It also appears in my Hive Engine wallet that this day was the last deposit.

However, after that I have sent money from Cash to Hive Engine and has not arrived.

This worries a little. The future of Read Cash is uncertain. It seems that they have abandoned it completely, using the excuse of artificial intelligences. Other blogging pages have overcome adversities innovating ways to detect plagiarism as well as articles made with AI. But, Read Cash has stayed behind, and it looks like an abandoned place.

I would like to oppose an answer to it.

$ 0.06
$ 0.06 from Anonymous user(s)
Avatar for zulfrontado
4 months ago


The error of sending money from here to Hive engine is not a problem with readcash, perhaps, it's due to technical fault in the networks that are involved.

On dealing with plagiarism and AI, you are right as that's not enough excuse to abandon the platform. But, the truth is that, the platform has no sponsor for funding anymore, the little tips you are getting comes from just what the website is able to make from traffic.

$ 0.00
4 months ago

What I have been thinking is that there is a problem with the Read Cash wallet. I have sent other cryptos to Hive Engine and it has worked fine. But, with read cash, no.

As for the earnings, thanks for the clarification.

$ 0.00
4 months ago

Thank you for the information you shared 😇

$ 0.00
4 months ago