How to know if you are addicted to unhappiness

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3 years ago

People are characterized by seeking happiness and avoiding pain, although not all of them love to live in their misfortune and even love to show them off as if it were a great prize. Sometimes they are given the opportunity to improve their lives however they prefer to keep complaining.

Because after feeling happy people feel the need to return to a state of mind that makes them feel miserable?.

Unhappiness is an emotion that can invade our lives without realizing it, either because we need someone or something to make us feel complete and it is difficult for us to find the much sought after happiness. That is why we must not decline and raise defensive barriers. And how can we do it? Be attentive to our resilience, have motivations and nurture those purposes to have an illusion to wake up every day.

We all have the aspiration to be happy, but what if in so much perseverance seeking happiness, we become more unhappy every day? Unhappiness cannot be classified only as the opposite of happiness. It is feeling anguish, it is the absence of personal goals that allow you to carry out your purposes in a full, authentic and meaningful way.

What can prevent a person from being happy?

  • One of the reasons that a person may have for being addicted to unhappiness may be related to a lack of self-confidence and also to a lack of self-esteem. Sometimes we may feel that we are not worthy of being happy and we don't struggle to change our mood.
  • A second reason is the influence on education that we had from childhood. If during our childhood there was a form of excessive discipline or expectations created out of reality, we may have assimilated unhappiness as something normal in our lives.

  • Another theory that is handled is that those people where their lives have been marked by traumatic experiences unconsciously feel the need to return to the "status quo" of unhappiness, because they have only known that comfort zone, that is, they do not know happiness.

  • People who, because of their bad experiences in the past, are so submerged in remorse or guilt that they have not been able to overcome. And instead of trying to get out of their state of unhappiness they prefer to punish themselves or those around them.
  • There are people who fear feeling happy since positive feelings can be the "prelude" for disappointment.

  • Thinking about being happy creates fear of the unknown for people who have felt nothing but unhappiness in their lives.

How to identify a person addicted to unhappiness

There are some characteristics of people who tend to be addicted to unhappiness. In general, unhappiness addicts tend to:

  • They never stop finding reasons to feel miserable, even when life gives them reasons to feel great.

  • They are afraid of new beginnings: making new friends, starting hobbies, tasks, jobs ...

  • They prefer to blame others or pose as a victim rather than take responsibility for their decisions.

  • They choose to use sex, drugs, alcohol, food, or other addictive behaviors to escape their reality.
  • Show your unhappiness to others and make it known to those around you to see who is more unhappy.

  • They have difficulty defining goals and meeting them, or on the contrary, reaching goals and then feeling that they are not happy.

  • They show a passive role in life, they think that their problems are more serious and are more difficult to solve than those of other people.

  • They have difficulties to start again, they do not find the necessary impulse to recover from adversity.

When you are going through these types of problems or we feel that we cannot get out of this state of unhappiness, it is important to turn to our family or friends to help us. In more severe cases, turn to the therapist to help us overcome this feeling.

Thanks for reading, leave me your comment.

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3 years ago
