What Do You Think Of Darkness?

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3 years ago

Black isn't my favorite color but I have a thing for it. Why is that? Because black or anything dark paints a perfect or better image or picture of something.
I am easily identified with dark or black things. Don't even think of getting all spiritual and religious with whatever looks you might wanna display; I am a child of the light.

But in the natural sense, I tend to love a dark and black thing very much, ranging from a dark room, a dark background, a dark mode browser, app, note pad, a black dress, shoes, and the least thing like a black porch.

There were different instances my liking for these things played out very well unconsciously.
I remember walking into a studio last year for a photo session and when I was asked which background I wanted for my photos, I immediately mentioned Black without blinking.
Coming back the next day to get my photos, I realized the photographer changed most of my background to pink, yellow, white. Like what the heck? Such weird combinations. I wasn't angry, that was far from it, all I did was tell them to change all the funny background colors to something a little bit dark if not black entirely.
Of course, I got what I wanted, I like it dark and soft, there is a great feeling that comes with it.
One of the photographers was forced to exclaimed how much I like black when he was exchanging words with his colleague, he asked why I love black, dark, or dim things that much. I told him I don't know because that's the truth, I have no idea why.

Coming to dark mode? Everything you could think of in my phone and PC is in the dark mode. My browsers, applications, and the rest.
I immediately changed my PeakD preface to the dark theme when I first logged in with it.
I used to have problems with my immediate brother when he usually borrows my PC to make use of.
Each time he gets his hands on it, he changes the theme to light because he couldn't work with the dark mode.

Giving these instances shows how much I like black, dark, or dim things, and even atmosphere. Wait, did I mention that I like how the sky suddenly becomes dark in the middle of the day or early morning because it's about to rain? I can't explain how I feel going through those moments or periods, it's always a delightful sight to behold.
I bet you wanna see some clicks of such weather I took some months ago? There you can see them below and tell me what you think lol.

Isn't that sight lovely to behold? I bet it is.
And I don't need anyone to tell me that lol.
Just looking at that dark sky feels so warm and endearing.

What Do You Think Of Darkness?

Should I rephrase that question? What comes into your mind when darkness is being mentioned?

Here permit me to quote scriptures;

KJV: And the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
KJV: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. (Genesis 1:2-3)

The earth was already filled with darkness.
And without this, there wouldn't have been a reason to call forth light.
Darkness gives light its meaning.
You can only tell the beauty of light in the presence of darkness.

What about the moon and the stars? The beauty of those is seen only in the presence of darkness.
Even the beautiful lighting of a Christmas tree and its decorations are seen mostly when it is dark.

So if I was to answer the question, what I think of darkness or what comes to my mind each time the word darkness is mentioned is that it is what gives light its true form or meaning.
Without darkness, we might never appreciate the usefulness or beauty of light.

Can you tell me the usefulness of an electric bulb during the day? Well, it is as good as nothing because it's not even serving a purpose.
Its purpose can only be served in the presence of darkness.
And for those who keep their power or lighting on during the day, you had better save some energy because there is no function of those lighting during the day.

Give it a break! Don't always think evil, each time you hear the word darkness. Though the devil is associated with darkness but it is not always all about the devil and his handiworks.
It's not always all about demons and ghosts.
Darkness has its own use as much as light does.

A little bit of dark or black things wouldn't harm okay?
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
You can only be tied down by what you believe.
After all, we are but slaves to what we believe.
So when next you come across someone that loves the black color for what it really is, don't give them those evil looks.
It may never be what you think but just an harmless liking for something dim and plain.

Did you miss anything in the article? Maybe something you wanna share or emphasize on? I am very open to it and pretty much available too. Let's talk it out in the comment section, see you around, and thank you for stopping by.

Thank you to @JonicaBradley for her prompt challenges.

This is what I think of darkness.! ;)



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Avatar for zellypearl
3 years ago


I want to see some of those photos you mentioned! I bet they are amazing. I am forever going around the house turning off lights. I also prefer dark mode on my phone.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahahha. It's funny how you said you are forever going around the house to turn off lights lol. I do this too and I like dark mode equally. I shared a few dark cloud images I took, though not so dark. Or which other photos did you mean?

$ 0.05
3 years ago

The ones with the dark background. The ones of you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh sure! When I do, I will be sure to tag you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I love, loove this! Indeed, bulbs have no use without darkness. I love all the ideas and analogies you used. I love this article, signed with a black pen (there you go, hahaha!)

I also like black though it ain't my favorite color. To me, in style, it is so neutral, and looks cool and sophisticated along any color.

ps. You have some talent in photography!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Lol, funny Ellehcim. Thank you for that signature dear. I need more of such signatures lol. Yeah, black isn't my favorite color either but it just compliments so many things. Thank you for the compliment about my photography, I truly appreciate it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No worries! :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Even if I like colour, I share your fondness of black. I think it is because it provides the best contrast. In a picture without black, all colours are dull; black enhances other colours (and light).

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yea and I wish people who look at me weirdly could understand this. Black enhances the contrast of a photo and many other things. A black dress looks lovely on a fair or light skin person too. Thanks for stopping by dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago