Monday Spirit Music [Top Picks] EP.1

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Avatar for youngvicks2
2 years ago
Topics: Music, Edm, Monday

A warm welcome to the first episode of Monday Spirit Music. Even if its Monday we can't put our head only at work . At least we need something that can keep us motivated . For that motivation I am here with the first artist of our show KREWELLA.

KREWELLA is a duo consist of Yousaf sisters Jahan and Yasmine. It was initially a trio formed in the early 20s but later become duo.They are the underrated diamonds of our generation.Their songs holds some immortal vibes which will make you feel like immortal too.These two ladies have beautiful voices and great music production skills.So without wasting any time lets dive into them and enjoy the ride.


The first song in my list is itself enjoy the ride.My sisters introduced this to me ,since then its been my all-time favourite!

Here is the youtube link to ENJOY THE RIDE

2.Be There

This song is pure magic.This song make me want to run away with someone i love and just be there with each other.I love the throwback of their life combined with the song tune.

Here is the youtube link to Be There


I always kept this song in my playlist throughout the years.In that era, before 2010 Electro house music was booming.This song is one example itself.I usually get emotional due to the nostalgia sometimes.

Here is the youtube link to Alive


Released in 2020 this is such an underrated song.Once you listen it's get stuck in your head .Don't play this while driving at night.You'll get a speeding ticket. heh Kidding!

Here is the youtube link to Greenlights


This song will never get old to me.More than 5years later its still a banger party song. I dont know why these kind of songs dont get the recognization.Still we can enjoy forgot about others.

Here is the youtube link to Team

That brings me to the end of my 1st blog of monday spirit music series.See you next week,until then enjoy these selected fire tracks.

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$ 0.11 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for youngvicks2
2 years ago
Topics: Music, Edm, Monday
