5 two's day

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2 years ago

Hello fellow readers, I thought February two was the most amazing date and time format but here comes February 22, yey! First of all, ler me introduce my generous sponsors here.

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Last night, because I was alone, well all the three kids slept beside me but my husband was in his duty for the night shift so he was out ther in the barangay hall. They have a little barracks there wher he left his phone and made me angry about him not answering it. Though I did not get jealous or something, I know he is faithful to me, I just wanted to talk or text him. I needed his comfort, as what I have said on my yesterday's artic2le, I was in the middle of something that bothers me greatly.

Past ten when he called and I was too angry to talk to him for a long time, ( he talks to me like I was I was near him and he talks to his co worker at the same time) so I turned the call down and scanned though some sites and read novels, the one that I can never finish reading due to the need of purchasing coins just to open a new chapter. And I don't like it.

I find it funny that I got used to not finishing it, it's exciting that I would be able to read new story every time, new adventures and new events but there are heart aching ones like what I read last night that made my tears peek out and fall into the pillow until I slept.

in the morning

My son woke up at 5am, so early for. Me, he asked for milk and so I gave him a warm one. He did not go back to sleep and forced me to get up and finish the laundry that I left in the washing machine in the previous night while cooking food.

I washed our bedsheets too, I hope it dried already, but I don't have to worry because we have extra sheets.

At 7 am my husband came home and we had breakfast the readied for work. He has to prepare his stocks for the delivery tomorrow, we needed money for the weeding activity in our small casssava farm.. The weeds needs to be removed so that there will be more room for the cassava to grow up with, and also, the nutrients will only be for the cassava alone.

I was already at work when I noticed that today's date is amazing, it can only happen once. February 2, 2022. It will be more amazing do something remarkable tonight 1t 22:22 in military time. I remembered me college teacher sharing us her amazement in the date in tha past, but can't really remember what date it was.

A virtual friend of mine messaged me in the messenger about the amazing date and I replied her to make the day remarkable.

and here is what happened today

I got moody inthe first hours of work, my co-workers are too noisy for me to focus on my work and many people are disturbing me asking me this and that, and making me do things for them. I can't bear them anymore so I used my headphones and turned the volume up that I don't have to hear them, then the new uniforns arrived. I got even moodier when I realised that I will be the one to distribute it to my co-workers and that means time diminished in the should be allocated for read and noise.cash.

These uniforms are free,there will be two polo shirts to be given every year, and we are patiently waiting for the steel toe boots to arrive. I would thank the department of labor and employment for this. For years, we did not have any free uniforms until they found out about it and so our employer had given us free uniforms for two successive years already.

The uniform sizes now were bigger than before, medium fits me well, not so tight, just enough for me to move freely without my cloth sticking to my skin but the new ones now were bigger, more like a large size from last issue and they are thinner too. One can almost see through the shirt which I don't like because there is an air conditioner in the office and the constant cold makes me sick.

The men complained why it was thinner, I jokingly told them that it was because of them complaining that the uniform feels very igang or hot. They laughed shyly, because what I said was true.

Then another batch of supplies arrived. Cutter knife, puncher and scissors. Hehe there is an extra one and I guess I have to reserve it when my scissors for sewing will go blunt.

Then in the aftrenoon, I was feeling hungry, the plant manager and the supervisor had coffee and they gave me a snack which I gladly accepted it and ate right away. Now I'm just so glad that I had little time to finish this post and publish today. (well I did not, I was having trouble uplaoding the pictures and when I arrived home, the kids borrowed the phone and I was too tired to finish at night.)

Wait, I forgot about my lovely drawings to show you. I'm proud to say that I learned a little trick to make the drawing look layered, more realistic. Here they are

She has high forehead and I did not see that until I think it was finished.

Here is a sketch on the reflection thay I saw from my mirror, I was on the phone at that time and wanted to draw my chin and lips as well as a part of my nose.

(I wont have to wait for ten pm to publish this article, I just wanted so much to have a good memory on this remarkable day, 2.22.22.by the way, I got to go home, see you later.)

This was supposed to be published two days ago but was only successful until now.

Thanks by reading till this far. Good morning.

All pictures are written by me.



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2 years ago
