What is NFT? Why are the photos being sold at such huge prices?

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2 years ago
Topics: Learning, Articals

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique digital assets or data (photos, music, videos, etc.) that are stored on the blockchain.

The first NFT project launched on the Ethereum blockchain.

In my understanding, NFT is used to prove ownership of digital assets such as photos, for example.... How?

A painting such as the Mona Lisa can easily be made a replica of it so that you will not be able to differentiate between the original and the forged, it is true that there is no difference between them, but the original has more value only because it is the original painting

If Da Vinci (metaphorically speaking) drew his painting and put it on the blockchain in the form of NFT, it could never be counterfeited and sold as the original, because the blockchain keeps all the transactions that took place on the painting.

If I buy it in NFT form from Da Vinci it goes out of his ownership into mine, everyone can verify the transaction and that the first owner of the painting is the same famous artist Da Vinci, of course I can sell it as the original or auction it or whatever I want.

Everyone can copy the picture that I bought from Da Vinci, they can put it on their profile and share it but I remain the owner of the picture.

They can even put it for sale also in the form of NFT, but no one will buy it because with a simple search and in the blockchain record available to everyone to read it can be sure that it is not original

Now let's go to the second question, which is: Why are these photos being sold for thousands of dollars and perhaps millions? Has humanity gone crazy to buy a paltry monkey painting of hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Do not tell you that you really think there are those who hit his dollars by bored. Decide to be disbursed in buying a monkey image with thousands of dollars really if you enter the Opensea site, you will find groups of images sold and have a mirror request, these groups will find out For example: I want to create a game project of type - P2E - (shorten the kind of games play and win digital currencies) I have experience, I have a ready team but I do not have enough money, what I will do is create a range of NFT images and place it for sale at specific prices, I'll be prepared I must convince them as a legitimate and will benefit them until the images are valuable and they are actually sold. Of course there are very different projects, there are projects from NFT images that are only valuable because they made solutions for this technique, and there are technical plates just sold because they were impressed by someone who loves art. There are those who are trading these images and this is the most common thing in this area, there are those who buys pictures of a particular project and immediately started the success of the project or its popularity, there is an abusive demand for the images of the project and thus rising their price, and here can people buy Sorry for prolongation ❤️ I wish I had made it clear to you so much for further technical information. This information is according to my understanding, if there is any mistake, and you are told to verify and correct him

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Learning, Articals
