What are some interesting facts that seem fake but are really true?(Some historical facts)

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2 years ago
Topics: Articles

1_The crime rate is so low in the Netherlands that they have closed 23 prisons since 2004 because there are not enough criminals to fill them.

 2_In the '90s, Denzel Washington (a famous actor) paid for an ambitious young actor who couldn't afford to go to the Oxford Summer Theater this young actor (Chadwick Boseman) and 30 years later he became one of the most famous actors in the world as well and publicly thanked those who helped him The AFI Awards in 2019, which is considered one of the greatest achievements in the history of any actor.

3_In 1963 a Turkish man was renovating his house. After tearing down a wall in his basement, he found a tunnel that followed the tunnel and discovered an ancient underground city called Derinkuyu, which once had a population of about 20,000 people (if you want to watch a video of this great city from the inside.

4_In 2009, an autistic artist named Stephen Wiltshire was able to draw the New York City skyline in every detail from his memory with a pen after a 20-minute helicopter ride.

5_Britain's Princess Diana was notorious for disregarding royal protocol. She often rode the public train in the parks, refused preferential treatment and had her two sons, William and Harry, waiting in line like everyone else.

6_ Blue Lake Nelson in New Zealand has the clearest water body in the world, where you can see the bottom of the lake, even though its height reaches 260 feet (80 meters).

7_The record for the largest car theft ever was 1,000 Volvo cars The cars were ordered and delivered Then the bill was ignored and not paid to this day The cars were ordered and delivered to North Korea

8_In 1963, the Bronx Zoo opened an exhibit called \"The Most Dangerous Animal in the World,\" all in the zoo was a mirror.

9_Two thieves in New York City once tried to steal former World Heavyweight Champion Jack Dempsey (who was in his 60s and 70s at the time) and it ended as you might expect with both thieves unconscious.

10_My personal favorite: In 1996, an obsessed birdwatcher in Devon, England spent an entire year yelling at owls and then recording their responses without realizing that all that was happening was that one of his neighbors was pretending to be an owl and yelling again whenever the observer released the owl.

I hope this information provided you with good content, have a good day..

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2 years ago
Topics: Articles
