To be an artist, find comfort in vulnerability

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3 years ago
Topics: Art

Over the years, I've come to accept a face of reality that is as appealing as it is — appalling. Coming from a path, where I've been cooed over a very limited amount of love, it's perfectly understandable when I say: the presence of melancholia and internal pain, transforms me into a serene, more insightful version of myself; thus, I should certainly be given some credit for exhibiting plain honesty.
For some, I believe, it is love and joy that largely dominates the art they put out into the world and trust me, if you're one of them, you are deeply fortunate and blessed; have gratitude in your heart at all times.
For some, anger and repressed frustration which they're finally coming in terms with, becomes the reason of the words that are spoken publicly; bitter and out of spite but shockingly relatable.
And then there are people like myself, grounded on Earth by the gravity of pain encircling our existence. Although, my aim is not to gain sympathy or relatability by writing this specific piece, it is in fact, to throw light onto the ways, us, humans, differ from one another. And some differences stem from factors that are so identical, it is quite surprising to witness; how you perceive a situation, comes from an aspect someone else don't even believe they carry the intellect to recognize.
And there, you silently agree — each artist holds a reason unlike the other, for what they create or showcase.
Artists can turn something trivial into a masterpiece within seconds, or they can burn down a valued monument and from its ashes, recover treasures hidden from our sights through centuries; or they can do absolutely nothing but be their most authentic selves and beguile the world regardless.

So what is it that I'm trying to prove?

That, we all, in ourselves, are artists. Each one of us. We, with our broken, scarred, imperfect and crippling selves, carry a spark meant to ignite an inner flame — an internal drive; destined to change the world in ways someone else cannot.
We are perhaps the most fascinating and intelligent work of God, Himself; full of brilliance, and secrets.

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3 years ago
Topics: Art
