7 Suggestions to Help You Feel Valuable

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3 years ago

We make an outside expectation to be valuable consciously or subconsciously. Although my value is not a behavior I see from the outside, but how I feel and define myself, each of us has a material definition of value. And I'd say just see if this definition serves you.

What is the value for you?

What behaviors make you feel valuable?

Is it worth to be sought and asked?

Is it approved?

Seek support?

Is it respect?

Is it to be noticed?

Does material value contribute to me and the other party? And does it make me feel satisfied? I'll take a look here.

When someone disrespects me, it is the responsibility of the other party. What I feel is my responsibility. The universe offers you experiences. My worth is how I get it. I look at the contribution and the benefit it provides to me. Because nothing comes one-sided. It comes with a whole. For the good, the bad.

What is the value for us?

Is to sell an education for serious numbers?

Is it to wear 5 thousand or 10 thousand bags or shoes?

Is it running wildly from country to country?

Is it worth giving 100 lira to your pasta for 10 lira?

Should there be millions in the bank?

Is it to live in a mansion with Bosphorus view?

Do not the servants of the house also live in that house?

Value has to do with materiality and not.

Yes, it makes me feel valuable when I wear an expensive bag. But is this material value the effect of capitalism or is it really coming from the core?

You are a soul above all else. And your essence wants to stay in love, in spirituality. Value is spirituality. When you feel rich inside, this is reflected on the outside. It flows easily, without effort.

Value is directly proportional to existence consciousness. It's about how you complete life.

I put on a $ 5 thousand bag and said, "What if the red is very beautiful too, should I buy that too?" When I say, one should really question its value.

I think the value;

It is to be able to say, "I am complete and whole with everything."

It is being able to protect your self.

The value is to be able to meet their expectations from the inside, as well.

It is the consciousness of absence that makes you feel worthless. It is the expression of the needs you feel lacking. You were made complete and perfect. Then remember this please.

If you want to feel valuable;

Accept your completeness and integrity.

Minimize your expectations. Worthlessness is always being in need from outside. The more things a person needs, the more worthless he feels. Value increases as the external need decreases.

Embrace all of yourself. If you feel unsuccessful, embrace the places where you have been successful.

Your worth can never be measured by anything material. Admit it. Your value is not someone else's treatment of you. Always remember this. Go in front of the mirror and say your favorite features aloud and add: "I am very precious."

Most importantly, stay at "no" if there is no, and stay at "yes" if yes.

Be internal referenced rather than externally referenced. Stop comparing.

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Written by
3 years ago
