Set in the 1990's, the drama centers around a female high school student Shi Won, who idolizes boyband H.O.T and her 5 high school friends in Busan. As the timeline moves back and forth between their past as 18-year-old high schoolers in 1997 and their present as 33-year-olds at their high school reunion dinner in 2012, where one couple will announce that they're getting married.
I really love this drama because this is just lighthearted drama. As a teen who also into kpop like Shi Won, I can totally relate myself from her being a fangirl. Then it also talks about family and friends. There are scenes about problems between friendships and family that a typical friends and family also faces. Shi Won's personality is also funny and that's why this makes me have a good laugh. They also talk about genders. It also have some mature contents.
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