I chose to be blinded by the sacred language of love

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Avatar for whiteariel
3 years ago

The criterion language of love had “tasted the satisfaction”, proving that being tolerant without lies has no gender! In the heart-rending story of mercy, the evil gaze disappeared into the distance, and built the "love" of the heart talisman, which creates and gives life to people!

While watching the waves by the sea, you can't explain the free flight of a bird, the colorful mystery of a tiny butterfly! When the virtue of the heart is the "key" that opens every door; Due to human nature, breathing in various conditions, he carries pain, hatred, anger and sadness in his cells, but when he "touches" living things with love, he lives happily and lives beautifully.

We found the essence of the resentment in our hearts at the root of a tree, we were under the shade of tons of water, the air we smelled was a gift from the Creator. The source of our life, surrounding our soul; By feeling the taste of loving and being loved, living under the domination of natural, realistic feelings, we "leave" even the most wonderful landscapes!

We cannot fit those who kiss the lines on our foreheads for no reason, to the ground, to the sky! We always carry those who make us feel their hands on our shoulders and we do not let anyone touch them! Because they speak with the criterion language of love and cause the beauties in the world to become even more beautiful.

Not those who speak the same language, but those who share the same feelings agree, what is the point of speaking a lot if there is no language of the heart of the soul?

We must learn what is fairness, we must know how to absorb the sciences between the Throne and the earth like water!

I will not deal with the introduction and the result, nor with the spelling guide.

People can't solve people, people shouldn't trust each other.

Surely, everyone has seen and experienced things that they did not expect from people they did not expect. There are countless example stories in every person, these have now become classic things. My problem is that when I treat this part as the subject, everything is classic, but when one has experienced it dozens of times, why is it surprised when it happens once again.

But he wasn't like that. I really want to learn, accept and distrust the people who look into my eyes by skillfully covering their insidiousness. Of course, no one is perfect, but that's not the point. Everyone needs something, without exception, a solid character. And I believe with all my heart that few people are more peace.

Before the apocalypse broke out, while the winds of the universe were hitting the shores; Having a big heart, with a glance and a touch, we become huge with the energy we receive! That's when the hearts line up the letters of the pen, add meaning to the syllables, embroideries flow to the bodies, from heart to heart. Sometimes, feeling the presence of a living thing, that crazy wind inside us always mixes from crazy distances.

At the source of the rest of life, we must keep ourselves away from making life unbearable; We must learn to savor life, adopt being self-sacrificing, patient, sometimes blind, sometimes deaf and sometimes dumb, and succeed in inhaling the most beautiful medicine, like water, like breath, like the buds that bloom on the ground in winter!

Clinging to a high branch like a mountain, breaking us; If the soul finds the heart in the language of the heart, if the soul finds the heart, our love accumulated in us, unconditionally, knowingly, unconditionally, for love. He chooses to be blind.

Genuine loves that exist with the sacred language of love are deaf, enduring; He forgives, tries, and when necessary, he is silent and accepts, but he can never let go of his spiritual feelings!

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Avatar for whiteariel
3 years ago
