Health Conscious: Insomnia

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4 years ago

You've almost done reading your favorite pocket books. All the programs in television had already signed off. It's already past 3 in the morning and you're still awake, wondering how your friends are enjoying their sleeps on that cold morning and the worst is, you're not experiencing it once but every night.

Insomnia is a sleep disturbance that can happen to anybody. Most of the people who suffer from it are usually spending their nights staring at the ceiling and restless. The most common cause of this are taking too much caffeine, depression, anxiety, certain medication, stress or even alcohol intake. Sleep experts often speak of frustration they experience of not being able to help many of the patients who come to them desperate for a little shut-eye. Patients who suffer insomnia have developed a fear because of too much thinking about their conditions that leaves them awake. The following are known to be some of helpful things for the person who suffers from it:

  1. Do something restful even though you can't sleep like reading or watching television on bed. It allows your body to recover as much as you had slept.

  2. Don't nap. It is one cardinal rule for insomniacs. If you do, you'll have more trouble sleeping the next night.

  3. Don't think too much about your insomnia for it will make you sleep hard.

  4. Avoid noisy places as much as you can. If it is not possible, you can use earplugs.

  5. Prepare a soft and comfortable bed.

  6. Limit intake of caffeine containing beverages.

  7. Get your body onto schedule so that it will expect same time everyday.

  8. Don't force yourself to sleep because it requires effort and efforts will keep you awake.

  9. Try sleeping with dim lights on or avoid using gadgets like laptops or cellphone during bed time.

  10. Avoid stress.

  11. You can do relaxing methods like mindfulness meditations, listening to relaxing music and so.

  12. It is better to consult a doctor for possibility of prescription for sleeping pills. Do not take any sleeping medication without consulting your doctor. Effective drugs to others might not have the same effect to you. It can be dangerous.

May this simple article helps you even a bit. Be your own sleep scientist and see what works for you, not everyone has the same way of falling asleep. Avoid too much stress. Make like easier. Nobody can help you more than you can help yourself.

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4 years ago
