trapped in the underground world of the orange people

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1 year ago
Topics: Ghost, Horror, Short Story, Gore, Adult, ...

After a long few hours in the evil jail of zombie city the white tiger spots a  small wooden panel in the wall and goes over for a better look.  The white tiger then pulls the wooden panel and we notice a very small hole of mystery.

One of the horses takes a quick look towards the big  zombies jailers door while the golden goddess climbs through  to investigate.  She then shouts us all to follow her down a long  hole of mystery into the dark unknown. 

After we all climb through the small gap of darkness  the white tiger replaces the panel from the inside while zombies begin to rumble and move above us.  The horses state we have found an underground tunnel under the zombies city of evil while the goddess leads us all down  these strange  maze of dark tunnels. 

We crawl for miles on our scared bodies until the white tiger suddenly smells food from a nearby  corner of the  maze. At that moment the goddess sees a glowing light from a room and crawls towards it at pace leading our warriors of mercy. 

Our army then jumps down inside this room  and notices its a large kitchen with a large red fridge. i go over to open the massive red fridge  with liutent megs while the warriors watch our backs with their stun laser weapons. 

Me and luitent megs open the door together and discover a fridge full of  fresh meat and drinks to our shocking eyes of delight.  The goddess then open the room door and we all walk out into an underground city with orange faced people walking about the yellow paving stones  in front of us. 

I hold onto an excited luitent megs while we both look up the street at the big bight flashing lights of  bars and restaurants in the distance.  We then notice  big orange cars flashing about every minutes with these orange people  looking at our strange bodies. 

All of a sudden four  large orange and red police cars pull up near our  shocked bodies of torture.  A few orange suited officers the jump out of the cars and  handcuff our tired bodies before taking us away in their flashing orange cars. 

we are then taken towards the local jail in the city and thrown in the  big black  and yellow cells of hatred.  A terrified white tiger holds me and luitent megs before looking  at the golden goddess  and her warriors while the horses wonder  what strange  underground world we have discovered.

written by wayne mockler
ownership and copyright wayne mockler

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Avatar for wayne6734
1 year ago
Topics: Ghost, Horror, Short Story, Gore, Adult, ...
