The war of the ghostly phantoms part 4
We then walk along the frosty streets of horror while the ghostly spirits glide past us with cold smiles of horror. The leader of the white spirits then takes us towards a large building with faded white windows and tells us to walk in and rest.
After entering the big white building of horrors we are approached by a large white faced horror with smiling red lips of mystery, I then hold a shocked luitent megs in my arms while the ghostly spirit shows us to our rooms in the hotel of horror.
We then walk up the spiral staircase following the white ghost of horror towards our dark door of mystery. I am then lead inside a strange room of white walls by a grinning luitent megs who shuts the door tight on the horses and silver prince.
A luitent megs then throws my tired body onto the big silver bed and makes love to me all night while the ghostly creatures shows the horses to their room of mystery. The silver prince and his army are then taken towards their large hall of stay in the hotel while the lights flicker outside in the ghostly cold night.
The next day our army is summed towards the hotel gala room with big blue chairs around the centre floor. We all stand with shock and horror in our confused minds until a big bright light appears in the glowing centre of horror.
At that moment a strange ghostly white force comes up from the floor wearing a metal face plate of torture. The creature then looks at our shocked minds and laughs at our shaking heads of mercy.
We then are told to bow down in honour while the white ghosts kneel toward their god of torture. After bowing down to the white horror a chant of honour rings out from the cold window towards the great leader of the white creatures.
Our army is humble and proud while we are all taken back towards our rooms in the white hotel to rest before the ghostly war begins. We all sit and wonder how to escape until a ghostly creature brings us some white robes to wear in honour.
written by wayne mockler
ownership and copyright wayne mockler