terror within cave of red ghosts

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Avatar for wayne6734
2 years ago
Topics: Ghost, Haunted, Adult, Story, Short Story, ...

We look around the room of red and see eyes within  the walls  of terror looking at us with horror and evil.  The horses take towards a dark corner of the room whilst a  fog takes over and  covers all the  cave

I hold onto luitenent megs close to protect her while the horses stand in front of us waiting for the fog to clear.  The fog clears after a few minutes and we see tables  in the centre of the room  with weapons of terror laid across its red  table cloth

The horses stand  with their eyes peeled ready for any  strange happenings but nothing  but a  twisted silence of terror hangs over the cave. After a few minutes we suddenly see  figures appearing from the darkness and coming towards very slowly.

We all stand with terror in our hearts while the figures watch us in their red robes and  masked white faces of horror.  After a few minutes the  ghosts of terror  remove their masks and reveal distorted faces of horror  with blood dripping from their beaten bodies while they  start to walk towards us.

The horses push us towards corner of the room and turn on their force fields just before the ghost  launch their devastating attacks.  We all  stand in terror behind the horses while the  red ghost push their broken faces into our scared bodies,

At that moment another door appears from a corner of the room  and we start our walk towards it avoiding the ghost  flashes of  wind trying  to blow us into the dark stones of evil.  We all get closer towards the door of green while the cave  suddenly starts to get smaller and we start  getting crushed into the  cave walls.

The horses mange to push open the door and we are thrown into another room of orange with a white roof looking down upon us.  We shake in despair while the other door slams shut and some  figures dressed  purple  appear and watch us with their  arms  of steel and faces of mud.

written by wayne mockler
ownership and copyright wayne mockler

the purple terrors of ghost city

We walk around the orange room of terror while the purple figures move closer towards us with their arms of steel crashing about everywhere. The horses protect us from the horror by stand in front of the purple ghosts.

The  purple figures remove their uniforms  of evil  an display their ripped open bodies of horror while  me and luitenent megs wince in terror at the hanging torsos of the ghosts.  We all move towards a dark corner of the room while the ghost look at us while the mud on their faces slides of to reveal red blood faces with eyes hanging  down towards their  mouths.

At that  moment the cave roof starts to shine bright and lights appear  and  flash about  us trying to catch us.  The horses put on their force field and the light suddenly change  to  flying creature with demon head  and dragon bodies trying to  cut our scared faces of terror.

The demon ghost fly's above our bodies  looking at us with their  deep eyes of red and  long mouth of horror. The ghost looks a devilish sick smile  while it try's to penetrate the horses force field.

WE suddenly notice another door of blue across the cave  and run towards it  in a great hurry  while the  ghost of mud try's  to catch us with its iron fist of evil. At that moment a cloud of smoke  appears above our heads while we run  towards the door of  blue.

The horses get to the door and  push hard on the door while the demon ghost  throws it face towards the  force field  grinning with evil intent. We mange to thrust open the door and fall into  a room of black  with a light shining in the middle.

We  run towards a safe corner of the room while the door slams shut with an evil laughter and scary thump.  The horses look around the room of black  while  the  smoke of  horror  comes though the walls and stands above us in the room of black.

The cloud of smoke turns inot a figure of black which stands in the centre of the light while we  stand in the  corner of the room. 

written by wayne mockler
ownership and copyright wayne

the black beast of ghost city

We stand across the room of black and look at the figure standing in front of us with a sheer terror on its face.  The horses stand in front to protect us while the figure removes its hood and looks deep inot our scared bodies with it laser eyes of red. 

The horses tell us to move across the room and stand next to an old  armchair in the corner.  I hold onto luitenent megs whilst the creature drags itself over and stands with blood dripping down onto its black  leather coat.

At that moment a  tornado of wind starts  to blow through the room  with faces of evil appearing everywhere across the walls and coming out from the roof. We all hide behind the horses while they put on their force field just before the black ghost holds up its hammer hand towards of shaking heads.

The horses suddenly see a  door appear from another part of the cave  while the dark ghost  throws its hammer  hands across the room smashing parts of the caves wall.  We start  to run towards the cave door but the chair suddenly comes alive and turns into  a faceless monster  starting  to grab at our force field with its  glass hands trying to cut through towards us.

We move towards the red door of escape and pull the door forcefully to prize it open while the black ghost and haunted chair get even closer towards us.  At that moment  a strange dust comes down from the roof  and  we force the door open to reveal a  cave made coal  and lots of tables stick to the roof.

After falling into the cave  the door slams shut with a big puff of smoke.  We all stand in this new cave of coal wonder  what will happen next to us.

All of a sudden  alight shines from the dark cold coal and the black  ghost appears in front of us and watching us with intense hatred  before it disappears into  the distance.

written by wayne mockler
ownership and copyright by wayne mockler

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$ 0.15 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for wayne6734
2 years ago
Topics: Ghost, Haunted, Adult, Story, Short Story, ...
