Date leaves

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4 years ago

The date palm is a widely cultivated palm tree, both for its ornamental value and for the tasty fruit it yields. Not only are the fruit used for a variety of culinary purposes, but the leaves have also been used to weave baskets. Various parts of this plant have been used medicinally to treat a variety of ailments.

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I like date sthese are use for medicial

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4 years ago

Dates are so tasty fruits. I like to eat it very much

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4 years ago

I like dates these are use for medical.

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4 years ago


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4 years ago


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4 years ago

Yes promote our culture .it is a lovely work out.

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4 years ago

Dates palm is very nutrious and provide protiens......we should eat date palm 2 to 3 pieces once in day

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4 years ago

yeah you are right

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4 years ago

Dates are use for medical also

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4 years ago