What is "French Fries" for you?

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2 years ago

It is cooking potatoes in the middle of the night with two beautiful young ladies!

Photo from Unsplash

Tonight, I was visited by two youngsters. Let us just call them Hannah and Atasha, not their real names.

They said I will teach them the Science module. I was just compliant. For some reason. I tried my best to teach them though I struggled with the concepts since it wasn't my field of specialization. I needed to check the concepts from their module so I wouldn't commit any mistakes.

But it didn't mean I didn't know the concepts. I just needed more review and since it was an ambush, I had to make sure the concepts were at least accurate so I needed to flip the module now and then.

As an aside, I guided them on how to read properly. Reading I believe is the first step in answering modules. If you can't read, you won't be able to proceed. Whether you are answering a Science module, or English module, or whatever.

Next time, I will try to guide them on how to expand their vocabulary. I think, they also needed more guidance on how to do their activities.

Anyway, after answering their module together, we decided to peel potatoes and cook them.

The two young ladies disagreed on how they would proceed. Atasha wanted to put crispy fry while Hannah didn't.

The faster lady grabbed the knife and did what she wanted to do. The other had no choice but to support the other. They're friends, after all.

My eldest son complained...

Mama, I told you to cook those potatoes but you didn't. Now you let them cook it.

Oh, my son. Won't you just let it slide?

He didn't let it slide because every time a batch of French Fries was laid down on the table, he grabbed his share and went to his quarters. He did it until the last batch.

It was okay. The girls didn't mind it at all. Besides, they were not able to consume everything, anyway.

By the way, Hannah said she'll have the fries as viand but I did not see her put rice on her plate. I forgot to ask her why she changed her mind.

We finally decided to call it a night. The girls laid their bed at the sala. I warned them of cockroaches and promised to clean more for them. You know, it's just a nice thing for me having them in the house. For some reason, it's like having ladies as kids.

I was trying to capture moments with them using my phone but they were too timid to have their photos taken.

We didn't sleep right after. Instead, we focused on our respective phones. I left them and went to our room with my younger children.

I was finishing this blog when I felt sleepy. Though I didn't want to sleep. I have to sleep though. Earlier tonight, we agreed to throw garbage together in the morning. So I needed to sleep also to be able to wake up earlier than 7 am.

So that's it for this one...

I know that in the future, I will look back, and when I think of French Fries, I will also think about Hannah and Atasha, and the time we fried potatoes in the middle of the night...

I hope also that they will at least learn to study well so their time coming here will be worth their while.

Meanwhile, let me give my thanks to my read.cash sponsors. Thank you so much for your support!

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PS: Still having a lot of trouble sleeping. I should've bought bananas to make me sleep better. I told Atasha and Hannah that the next time we get together, we will be feasting over fruits instead of French Fries.

PS2: I hope my daughter won't cry later. Last night, she cried with a stomach ache as her reason. Hoping she won't have a stomach ache later.

PS3: I am in the mood for some poetry but my current mindset isn't allowing me to. Poetic words are just so elusive of me right now. Maybe next month or the month after. I don't know.

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2 years ago
