To the way it once was

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2 years ago

Out of habit, I still try to reinstall an offline word processor, knowing that my old device doesn't support such. Or, perhaps, I made a mess with my programs and all. I did make a mess. But still, I can't move on. 

When I hold the mouse, I just go first to my downloads and try to open an executable file. Then I realize that I have already told myself to move on. MOVE ON. 

When I noticed I have a high tendency to lose my offline work instantly, I decided to once and for all, stick to the cloud. That is, I save all my work on the cloud. No more offline working. Besides, power goes out, devices get destroyed, things happen and files get corrupted. 

Thankfully, there is an online version of the kind of processor I was used to. Even better, I get other perks. 

Put it simply, I should just put the old ways behind me and accept what’s happening now, accept the trend, establish new ways, this and that, onwards. 

But... Like when we were kids, there were things we miss, there were places we went to that we just wanted to go back to over and over again through memories. Sometimes, we try recreating them through our kids and other kids. But we realize that the past is never the same as the present. 

As for my case now with word processors, I still wanted how I did it before. Saving things to my cute netbook, not having to connect to the internet to work, and creating back-ups through flash drives and the like. Maybe, the least I did before to back my files online was to just attach them to an email and send it to myself or leave the email as a draft message containing attachments. 

I created articles about my predicament a few months ago but I still have lingering feelings over things. You know. With my old processor, I just get to right-click a word, hover over the word ‘synonyms’ and I get my words. This time, when you right-click a word, you have to press ‘synonyms for _____’ and get synonyms along with online results. 

That should be better, right? Aside from getting synonyms, I get definitions, and I get a few more things in addition to what I was already getting before. So, I tell myself to simply get used to things. Of course, people also told me that I should get used to things. 

Maybe, one of the big challenges I am facing right now is searching for ways to establish how I insert Math things into my word file. Like symbols, equations, expressions, inequalities, matrices, etc. And instead of sulking here, I should just take advantage of the internet and search my way to convenience. 

Okay... I know I am just being silly. Honestly, I wanted to scold myself and say that I am overreacting and overthinking and with the many options now, I have so many things I could do to recreate what I was used to. 

So enough of my ‘sorrow’! 

Okay fine, I will not be talking about this anymore. I promise myself. 

  • Accept. 

  • Learn. 

  • Adapt. 

  • Repeat. 

Lastly and seriously, I should be thankful. We should be thankful; we’re enjoying the works of geniuses. We're also taking advantage of conveniences and we are reaping the fruits of the efforts of those before us. 

Well, I should also say, despite everything we promised to ourselves, it won’t still be a bad thing to have residual feelings. You know, it’s like those junk files we weren’t able to remove after all the cleaning up and resetting. 

Let me tell myself that even though I am spending on my internet connection, it saves my effort for the time to back up files and save my latest edition to my instructional materials.

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2 years ago
