Hectic days

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2 years ago

It's been a while since I last wrote. Or was it just a day ago that I wrote my article about Maggi?

This always happens, feeling as if I've missed out a lot just because I've had a few hectic days. I may just inserted writing about that Maggi thing.

Too bad I always carry the traits of 'ningas-kugon' and Mañana habit.

Ningas-kugon, meaning I work so enthusiastically at first then my fire down right after that seemingly energetic self.

Then I postpone the tasks/chores that I could already do. Mañana habit.

I hate myself for that. There's no fixing it except when I religiously ask for help from Him. There is no other way but that. And even religiously praying isn't very religious since I miss out on doing it.

Men, please. I like to work properly. Being a teacher is an all or nothing job. You must give your all and be ready to take all the blame at the same time educating the young to not resort to blaming but doing the best they can while they can.

You'll feel guilty when you know you haven't done a proper job. On the other hand, you'll feel some sort of fulfillment when you know you have done your best.

So let me just make this short for now since it is still hectic. As I've said, I like to work properly. Tomorrow will be my rest day.

I'll prepare my PowerPoint presentation, create a script for my lesson (I need script! Huhu!), and just plan ahead.

Lead photo from Unsplash

$ 4.11
$ 4.11 from @TheRandomRewarder
